# bo36-A.test - include file for use with bo36.test - Bogus char set test # Version 0.4 # Last revised by Xerox Corporation on 99-02-28 13:00 PST. # Removed "ERROR: " - its only an announcement - TNH # Change file names to agree with Bake Off test plan - TNH # Added "ERROR: " to the Echo message so it would stand out in log - TNH # Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. # User is granted the right to modify this file for use with # the IPP Server Test Tool, as described in the file # LICENSE-IppTest.txt. # # This isn't really intended as a standalone test, but rather to be used # by a more complete script to test the response of a particular operation # (defined in gOperation) to bad or unsupported character sets. # If the operation requires data be sent, the caller should also define # gData. The value of gData defaults to ")". # IfNDef gOperation Echo 'ERROR IN SCRIPT: gOperation symbol not defined; needed by bo36-A.test' Else IfNDef gData Define Symbol gData ) EndIf Echo '@' Echo '@ Bogus charset being sent to Printer in ' $gOperation '. ' Echo '@ Target MUST respond with client-error-charset-not-supported'. Echo '@' $gOperation \ target: $target, \ attributes: ( \ Operation: ( \ attributes-charset: bogusCharset, \ attributes-natural-language: en-us, \ printer-uri: $target \ ) \ $gData Expect Response \ status-code: client-error-charset-not-supported, \ attributes: ( \ Operation: ( \ attributes-charset: utf-8, \ attributes-natural-language: *, \ ... \ ), \ ... \ ) EndIf