@echo off REM IppTest.bat REM version 1.2 REM last edited by Xerox Corp on 99-03-01. REM Copyright (c) 1999 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. REM User is granted the right to modify this file for use with REM the IPP Server Test Tool, as described in the file REM LICENSE-IppTest.txt. REM ################################################################## REM # USAGE NOTES REM ################################################################## REM Copy this file to your working directory, then follow the REM Steps below to customize. If you have installed the entire REM distribution into a single working directory (recommended), REM then you will only need to do Step 1: Indicate Your Custom REM Definitions File. REM SUMMARY: IppTest TestStepName REM Where TestStepName indicates a .test file in the current REM directory. The TestStepName should *NOT* have an extension or REM directory information (eg, use "BO21-22" to indicate the file REM "BO21-22.test"). REM WIN 9X NOTE: You may get the error message "Out of environment REM space" when you try to execute this file. If so, click the REM "Properties" button on your DosPrompt, then click the REM "Memory" tab, and increase the value of "Initial environment"; REM 1024 seems to be a good value. You will need to open a new REM DosPrompt to have the change take effect. REM For a TestStepName of "Foo", the following output will be REM generated by default: REM REM Foo-summary.tout - A summary of the run. REM REM Foo-mismatches.tout - Mismatches between actual and REM expected responses; empty if there REM weren't any. REM REM Foo-verbose.tout - Request and response logging, plus REM "summary" and "mismatch" info. REM Since this file can be customized to provide different kinds REM and levels of output from the Server Test Tool, you may want REM to have multiple copies, for use in different situations. REM ################################################################## REM # Step 1: Indicate Your Custom Definitions File REM ################################################################## REM Change the value of MY_PRINTER_DEFS below to indicate the file REM that provides definitions customized for your printer REM implementation. You *MUST* supply this file. REM If you don't already have such a file, you can make one by REM renaming the "template" MyPrinterDefs.test to something REM appropriate for your printer, then edit per the instructions REM inside. set MY_PRINTER_DEFS=.\N32LocalDefs.test REM ################################################################## REM # Step 2: Customize Generated Output REM ################################################################## REM If you are satisfied with the default generated output, you REM can skip this step. REM The GLOBAL_SWITCHES will be applied to all test files in the REM run (StdDefs.test, MY_PRINTER_DEFS, and the file for the REM current step). The STEP_SWITCHES will be applied to the REM current step file only. REM The TERSE_STEP_SWITCHES (the default) are best if your DOS REM prompt doesn't scroll; otherwise, you may prefer to add the REM VERBOSE_STEP_SWITCHES to STEP_SWITCHES. REM For information on the various output switches, see REM IppServerTestUserGuide.htm. set OUT_FILE_PREFIX=%1 set TERSE_STEP_SWITCHES=-report mismatches -To %OUT_FILE_PREFIX%-mismatches.tout set VERBOSE_STEP_SWITCHES=-report verbose -To stdout set GLOBAL_SWITCHES=-report annotations -To stdout -report summary -To %OUT_FILE_PREFIX%-summary.tout -report verbose -To %OUT_FILE_PREFIX%-verbose.tout set STEP_SWITCHES=%TERSE_STEP_SWITCHES% REM ################################################################## REM # Step 3: Indicate Location of Java Development Kit (JDK) REM ################################################################## REM If you've installed the JDK in the recommended/default REM location, you can skip this step. REM Change the value of JDK_HOME to match the location of the REM Java Development Kit (NOTE: JDK 1.1.7B is recommended). set JDK_HOME=C:\jdk1.1.7b REM ################################################################## REM # Step 4: Indicate Locations of Other Files REM ################################################################## REM Edit the following only if you put StdDefs.test or IppTest.jar REM some place other than in your current working directory. set STD_DEFS=.\StdDefs.test set IPP_TEST_JAR=.\IppTest.jar REM ################################################################## REM You shouldn't need to change any of the lines below. set MAIN_CLASS=nc set JAVA_SWITCHES=-DtraceLog -mx120m -nojit -classpath "%IPP_TEST_JAR%;%JDK_HOME%\LIB\CLASSES.ZIP" echo on %JDK_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_SWITCHES% com.xerox.ipp.client.testTool.%MAIN_CLASS% %GLOBAL_SWITCHES% %STD_DEFS% %MY_PRINTER_DEFS% %STEP_SWITCHES% %1.test