@ bo36.test - Test plan Section 3.6: Character Set Test @ (Minimum test for response to unknown charsets) @ Version 0.3 @ Last revised by Xerox Corporation on 99-03-02. # Fixed title to show relationship to Test Plan - TNH # Change file names to agree with Bake Off test plan - TNH # Include Swen's cleanups - TNH # Copyright (c) 1999 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. # User is granted the right to modify this file for use with # the IPP Server Test Tool, as described in the file # LICENSE-IppTest.txt. @ @ Test Get-Printer-Attributes against bogus charset @ Define Symbol gOperation Get-Printer-Attributes Define Symbol gData ) Include bo36-a.test @ @ Test Validate-Job against bogus charset @ Define Symbol gOperation Validate-Job Define Symbol gData ) Include bo36-a.test @ @ Test Print-Job against bogus charset @ Define Symbol gOperation Print-Job Define Symbol gData ), data: $test-print-file Include bo36-a.test