@ bo311.test - Test plan Section 3.11: Set 1 operations @ Tests only the ones that you uncomment in file bo311.test @ Version 0.1 - quick and dirty @ Last revised by Xerox Corporation on 99-03-11. # Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. # User is granted the right to modify this file for use with # the IPP Server Test Tool, as described in the file # LICENSE-IppTest.txt. ###################################################################### # Step 1: Uncomment (delete in next line) if your IPP Printer supports: # Pause-Printer and Resume-Printer operations ###################################################################### Define Symbol do-Pause-Printer-and-Resume-Printer '' ###################################################################### # Step 2: Uncomment (delete in next line) if your IPP Printer supports: # Hold-Job and Release-Job operations ###################################################################### Define Symbol do-Hold-Job-and-Release-Job '' ###################################################################### # Step 3: Uncomment (delete in next line) if your IPP Printer supports: # Purge-Job operation ###################################################################### Define Symbol do-Purge-Jobs '' # # Now invoke supported tests: # IfDef do-Pause-Printer-and-Resume-Printer Echo TMP: Hello, world Include sub-do-pause-printer-resume-printer.test EndIf IfDef do-Hold-Job-and-Release-Job Include sub-do-hold-job-release-job.test EndIf # Repeat Pause-Printer and Resume-Printer with some active jobs IfDef do-Pause-Printer-and-Resume-Printer Include sub-do-pause-printer-resume-printer.test EndIf IfDef do-Purge-Jobs Include sub-do-purge-jobs.test EndIf @ @ End of Set1 operations tested. You should have seen only the tests that @ your printer supports as uncommented by you in bo311.test. @