@ bo-compression.test - Test bogus compression - MUST reject @ Even though "compression" is an OPTIONAL Operation attribute @ Version 1.3 @ Last revised by Xerox Corporation on 99-03-11. # Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. # User is granted the right to modify this file for use with # the IPP Server Test Tool, as described in the file # LICENSE-IppTest.txt. @ @ Test item 17 - Submit print job with bogus "compression" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ # The mandatory attributes are attributes-charset, # attributes-natural-language and printer-uri. The optional # attribute will be job-name. Print-Job \ target: $target, \ attributes: ( \ Operation: ( \ attributes-charset: utf-8, \ attributes-natural-language: en-us, \ printer-uri: $target, \ job-name: 'Test bogus compression',\ compression: bogus \ ) \ ), \ data: $test-print-file Expect Response \ status-code: client-error-attributes-or-values-not-supported,\ attributes: ( \ Operation: ( \ attributes-charset: utf-8, \ attributes-natural-language: *, \ ... \ ), \ Unsupported: ( \ compression: bogus \ ) \ ) @ @ The job MUST have been rejected, and the unsupported attribute @ MUST be returned, even though an OPTIONAL operation attribute. @ Otherwise, the IPP Printer will interpret garbage. @