@ N32LocalDefs.test @ Version 1.4 @ Last revised by Xerox Corporation on 99-03-02. # Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. # User is granted the right to modify this file for use with # the IPP Server Test Tool, as described in the file # LICENSE-IppTest.txt. # USAGE NOTES # Rename this file, changing the "MyPrinter" to something uniquely # indicative of your printer. Then edit this file to make definitions # specific to your printer, following the instructions below. At a # minimum, you will need to do Step 1: Identify Your Printer. ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Definitions specific to a given IPP Printer Object implementation ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Don't delete or otherwise edit the lines below. Define Symbol %tmp0 $%enum%operations-supported%namesAndIds Define Symbol %tmp1 $%enum%operations-supported%names Define Symbol %tmp2 $%enum%status-code%namesAndIds ###################################################################### # Step 1: Identify Your Printer. ###################################################################### # Edit the 2 lines below to contain the URI for your printer. # Don't remove the apostrophes ('). # Edit the two lines below to identify yourself (optional), and # supply your printer's URI (mandatory). Don't remove the # apostrophes ('), and don't add new apostrophes. Define Symbol whoami 'N32 Ipp Test' Define Symbol target 'http://localhost:631/ipp' # Don't edit the following lines. Echo Beginning definitions for $whoami ($target) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ###################################################################### # Step 2: Specify Preferred Document Format and Test Document. ###################################################################### # By default, the scripts in this test suite will use a # document-format value of 'application/octet-stream', and # PostScript print data file for Print-Job and Validate-Job # Requests. If your printer does not support these, you will # need to edit the lines below to specify an appropriate # format and/or print data file. Define Symbol requested-doc-format 'application/octet-stream' Define Symbol test-print-file 'TheFileToPrint.ps' ###################################################################### # Step 3: Specify Optional Operations From IPP Model 980630. ###################################################################### # If you do not implement any of the optional # operations described in the IPP Model Document 980630, # you may skip this step. # Uncomment the lines below corresponding to the # optional operations that you implement. Undelete # an entire block of 3 lines at a time. # Define Request Print-URI 0x0003 # Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , print-uri (0x0003) # Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , print-uri # Define Request Create-Job 0x0005 # Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , create-job (0x0005) # Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , create-job # Define Request Send-Document 0x0006 # Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , send-document (0x0006) # Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , send-document # Define Request Send-URI 0x0007 # Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , send-uri (0x0007) # Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , send-uri ###################################################################### # Step 4: Specify Operations From "Optional Operations Set 1". ###################################################################### # If you do not implement any of the optional # operations described in the document "Internet Printing # Protocol/1.0: Additional Optional Operations - Set 1", # (version 980902), you make skip this step. # Uncomment the lines below corresponding to the # optional operations that you implement. Undelete # an entire block of 3 lines at a time. Define Request Hold-Job 0x000C Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , hold-job (0x000C) Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , hold-job Define Request Release-Job 0x000D Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , release-job (0x000D) Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , release-job # Define Request Restart-Job 0x000E # Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , restart-job (0x000E) # Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , restart-job Define Request Pause-Printer 0x0010 Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , pause-printer (0x0010) Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , pause-printer Define Request Resume-Printer 0x0011 Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , resume-printer (0x0011) Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , resume-printer Define Request Purge-Jobs 0x0012 Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , purge-jobs (0x0012) Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , purge-jobs ###################################################################### # Step 5: Specify Other (Private Extension) Operations. ###################################################################### # If you don't implement any private extension # operations, you can skip this step. # For each extension operation that you implement, # provide 3 Define statements, like those below # Uncomment the block of 3 lines below, then copy # the block as many times as you need. In each # block, replace "My-Op" and "my-op" with the name # of the operation, and replace "XXXXXX" with the # id number (decimal or hex). When finished, you # should have 1 or more blocks of 3 Define statements, # similar to those in Steps 3 and 4, above. # Define Request My-Op XXXXXX # Define Symbol %tmp0 $%tmp0 , my-op (XXXXXX) # Define Symbol %tmp1 $%tmp1 , my-op ###################################################################### # Step 6: Specify Private Extension Status Codes. ###################################################################### # If you don't implement any private extension # status codes, you can skip this step. # For each extension status code that you implement, # provide a Define statement, like the one below. # Uncomment the line below, then copy it as many # times as you need. On each line, replace "my-code" # with the symbolic name of a code, and replace # "XXXXXX" with that code's numeric value. # Define Symbol %tmp2 $%tmp2 , my-code (XXXXXX) ###################################################################### # Step 7: Specify Unambiguous Syntaxes. ###################################################################### # If you implement "media", "job-sheets", and "job-hold-until" # with the "keyword" syntax, you can skip this step. # The test scripts will use the following Symbols to decide # which syntax to use for these attributes. To indicate that # you want to use the "nameWithLanguage" syntax for any of these # syntaxes, change the word "keyword" on the appropriate lines # below. Define Symbol media-simple-syntax keyword Define Symbol job-sheets-simple-syntax keyword Define Symbol job-hold-until-simple-syntax keyword ###################################################################### # Step 8: Specify Attribute Extensions. ###################################################################### # If you don't implement any attribute extensions, # you can skip this step. # Specify attribute extensions below. Use the file # StdDefs.test as an example. Also see # IppServerTestUserGuide.htm for more complete # information. # Define Attribute attr-name attr-syntax ###################################################################### # Step 9: Specify Non-Spooling Printer ###################################################################### # If your printer can accept another create operation (Print-Job, # Print-URI, or Create-Job) before completing the current job, you # can skip this step. # Uncomment the line below to indicate that your printer does not # spool jobs. # Define Symbol NON-SPOOLING true ###################################################################### # Step 10: Specify Use of Pause-Printer ###################################################################### # If your printer does not implement Pause-Printer, or if it does # not allow other operations (eg, Cancel-Job, Print-Job, etc) # while paused, skip this step. # Uncomment the following line to allow the use of Pause-Printer; # otherwise, you may be prompted to "manually pause". Define Symbol USE-PAUSE-PRINTER true ###################################################################### # THE END ###################################################################### # Don't delete or otherwise edit the lines below. Define Symbol %enum%operations-supported%namesAndIds $%tmp0 Define Symbol %enum%operations-supported%names $%tmp1 Define Attribute operations-supported 1setOf enum \ $%enum%operations-supported%namesAndIds Define Symbol %tmp0 Define Symbol %tmp1 Echo Echo Operations Supported (names and ids) = \ $%enum%operations-supported%namesAndIds Echo Echo Operations Supported (names) = \ $%enum%operations-supported%names Echo Define Symbol %enum%status-code%namesAndIds $%tmp2 Define Status Codes enum \ $%enum%status-code%namesAndIds Define Symbol %tmp2 Echo Echo Status Codes (names and ids) = \ $%enum%status-code%namesAndIds Echo # Useful "Macros" Define Symbol prompt-for-pause-1 Echo \ 'Make the printer "pause".' \ 'Type p when you are ready to proceed.' Define Symbol prompt-for-pause-2 Read Symbol %tmp3 p | P Define Symbol prompt-to-accept-next-job-1 Echo \ 'Type A when your non-spooling device can' \ '(A)ccept next job...' Define Symbol prompt-to-accept-next-job-2 \ Read Symbol %tmp4 a | A Echo media-simple-syntax defined as $media-simple-syntax Echo job-sheets-simple-syntax defined as $job-sheets-simple-syntax Echo job-hold-until-simple-syntax defined as $job-hold-until-simple-syntax Echo Preferred Document Format = $requested-doc-format Echo Test Print File = $test-print-file IfDef NON-SPOOLING Echo NON-SPOOLING is defined EndIf IfDef USE-PAUSE-PRINTER Echo USE-PAUSE-PRINTER is defined EndIf Echo Echo Finished definitions for $whoami @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @