Hi, Monday (13 December 2004) I've just posted Claudia's four updated header files in the directory: ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/fsg/jobticket/C_JTAPI_Code/Working/ in the files: fsgjt_cpl.h fsgjt_job_document_page.h fsgjt_insert_sheet.h fsgjt_separator_sheet.h While editing, I found the following bugs: (1) UML '03_JobTicketInfo.png' - in colored JobDocumentPage panel - delete 'trimming' (not in JTAPI/1.0) (2) UML '03_JobTicketInfo.png' - in Job white attributes panel - put asterisk in front of 'job-trimming' (not in JTAPI/1.0) (3) UML '04_Job.png' - in colored SeparatorSheet Object - change 'mediaToUse' to 'media' in constructor (like attribute) Also found (but not changed): (A) UML '04_Job.png' - in colored SeparatorSheet Object - change 'SeparatorSheetEnum' --> 'SeparatorSheetTypeEnum' (to agree with the attribute)