Improvements needed in XSL translations from group XMLs to MIBs RBLandau 20080417 20080310 - Power, Description of TargetState, what noTransition is used for, that is, to declare that a state exists but you can't request a transition out of it, such as warming or cooling. DONE 20080610. - Controller, PostCode avail OffReadOnly, not writable. - LightSource: doesn't have full FRU properties. DONE 20080610. - many groups: Availability for OffReadOnly and OffReadWrite need lots of work. - General: LanguageTagSNMP shorten to LangTagSNMP. - Filter: OnReadOnly typo. 20080317 - For objects not implemented, it might be more useful to have an in-band null value that means "not implemented," as -2 does in some printer properties. If a zero value could be confused with a zero counter, an in-band NYI value will de-confuse applications. DONE 20080610 - added to Future Improvements section of doc. 20080402 - Power: pdmPowerTransitionTime needs a default value that means "unknown." DONE 20080610. 20080408 - All FRUs: for projectors that don't have local datetime, the ReplaceTime string should probably be writable to the user, or there should be a parallel string available for manual entry. - DisplaySetting: if the DisplaySetAffectsAll property is false, that is, it's specific to an input, which input? DisplaySetInputName should be an index into the Connector table. DONE 20080610. - DisplaySetting: ColorTemp says "a bunch of standard settings," a trifle informally. DONE 20080610. - Fan, Filter, TempSensor, TempSwitch: needs Age to go with ReplacementInterval, maybe. If user fills in ReplacementTime, then it's sort of okay not to have time-on age. NO, DON'T DO THIS. Let the user consider the lamp age to be the age measurement for these other parts, too. If these others are replaced out of cycle w.r.t. the lamp(s), then the sys mgr should make a note, perhaps in the writable date field. NOPE, change the mind again, add the Age variable back in. NOTE: could use DeviceAge, which never resets, as the baseline measurement for all other relative ages. - Make a note that the entire FRU data is optional. DONE 20080610 - added a note to the Future Improvements section. - All FRUs: Add description that says why the ReplacementPartNumbers and URLs tend to be writable: so the vendor can update them, or the user can, without having to upgrade the firmware. 20080415 - Do Visio pictures of projector architecture. - The first draft picture is missing Power group. 20080417 - Need to add an OID for Projector type to HR MIB. Start someone moving on that project. NO, add the definition in the front matter of this MIB, to be used as the value in HR MIB if they ever accept changes. - Update file version pointers on front page. PARTIALLY DONE 20080527: updated doc pointer but not MIB pointer, which is still valid until a new MIB is generated. PARTIALLY DONE 20080610 again: updated pointers, but will need to update again as the MIB text is generated and included. - L191 Explain "ganged" update. DONE 20080527. - Terminology: Add Filter. Add Temperature Sensor as synonym for Thermal Sensor; similarly for Switch. Add Controller. Check all group names and property names for terms to be added. PARTIALLY DONE 20080527: added placeholders. Need definitions. - Terminology: The table of terms has a single line number instead of separate numbers. Makes it hard to locate comments. REJECT 20080527: cannot do anything about this in MS-Word. - L218: Say no dead light sources rather than dead pixels. DONE 20080527. - L239 CIM-based discovery, not just CIM. Downplay "discovery," since the use case is about the asset data. DONE 20080527. - Add "CIM" to terminology if it's not there. DONE 20080527. - Terminology: Add VESA to terms. Add EDID, too. DONE 20080527. - Add a normative reference to the VESA specs. [Note: they are not public.] - Are all interesting components of EDID in the MIB, e.g., authoritative identifier? Investigate. A nice, short project for someone. - Have we considered countdown objects for component life rather than age and replacement cycle? [Yes, and rejected.] DONE 20080527. - L252: Predicting replacements. Add wording about figures being based on normal hours of operation and normal conditions. DONE 20080527. - 3.2.3 Do we want to add a schedule of hours into the MIB? We could steal the IETF schedule MIB as WIMS did. Add this idea to a section at the end of the document listing possible future extensions. Good idea to have such a section that always stays with the document even though its contents may change. DONE 20080527. - 3.2.4 Change title to Turn off display to save power. The purpose of the case is to save power and life of the illumination component. DONE 20080527. - 3.2.5 Change title to Restore device to installation-specific setup. Avoid the overloaded term "default." DONE 20080527. - 3.2.6 Again, change title to "...installation specific setup," not default. DONE 20080527. - 3.2.7 Maybe change title to "the specific profile appropriate for...." DONE 20080527. - 3.2.7 Suggested extension to this case: Maybe export/import the entire setup profile in some serialized form. [Potentially another use case. Advanced feature.] DONE 20080527. - 3.2.8 Shorten title to just "...based on history." Move environmental and dust references to the text. DONE 20080527. - 3.2.9 May need firmware version and also the date on which it was updated. DONE 20080527. - 3.3 Design requirements must require implementation of MIB-2. DONE 20080527. - 3.3 Datatypes incompatible with SMIv1 should not be used. DONE 20080527. - 3.3 MIB must not preclude access through any version of SNMP. DONE 20080527. - L336 Add reference to the SMIv2 doc, RFC2578. DONE 20080527. - 3.3 Remove the "[more]". DONE 20080527. - 3.3 This section is about the technical structure of the MIB. DONE 20080527. - 3.4 Add entry: Support extensibility, more groups, properties, enums. DONE 20080527. - 3.4 This section is about the content of the management data of the MIB. DONE 20080527. - L325 Say "selected" instead of "many static capabilities...." DONE 20080527. - 3.4 Say that the MIB should have no vendor-specified units. DONE 20080527. - 3.4 Last bullet: restrict to "small set of mandatory items." DONE 20080527. - 3.3 and 3.4 Insert space between Display and MIB. DONE 20080527. - 4.1 This section is about the model of a projector or display device, not of MIB. The MIB is structured to reflect this model. DONE 20080527. - 4.1 Use "conditionally mandatory" instead of optional. And these groups "need not" be implemented instead of will not. DONE 20080527. - 5 In the MIB text, we may wish to replace subunit with component. DONE 20080610 - added note to the Future Improvements section. - 4.1.6 and 4.1.8 All replaceable units should have full FRU info. DONE 20080527. - 4.1.11 Need an input signal level adjustment for video, too, as well as audio. DONE 20080610. - 4.1.11 An output level may be needed, too, not just brightness, but a separate output level for LCD panels. [Needs more explanation.] NO, DON'T DO THIS. Add a comment instead that brightness needs to be interpreted in a device-specific way to accommodate the needs of projectors, several types thereof, backlit LCD displays, and emissive LED displays. DONE 20080610. - LightSource group: BrtSet property needs a longer scale than the current normal-bright-ecomode. An LCD panel typically has 8 or 16 levels of brightness for backlighting; need to capture that. Brightness = bias on video output; the backlighting level is different. And what do we use for LEDs? NO, DON'T DO THIS. Same as above. - Connector group: Need to add audio input level adjustment per connector. Both input level adjustment properties need a scale 255 long. DONE 20080527. DONE 20080610. - 4.1.14 Handheld remote instead of infrared. DONE 20080527. - 4.1.15 Alert group: Should we leave room for vendor specific alerts? Maybe message encoding question rather than MIB question. DONE 20080610 - added a note to the Future Improvements section. - 4.1.all Say "for example" to introduce the list of properties. DONE 20080527. - 4.1.16 Suggestion: Explain the structure of locale in terminology section or elsewhere, and the way it is set: tables and scalar properties that point to tables. - 4.2 Say that indices do not need to be contiguous. DONE 20080527.