Filmwatch Division Marketing Plan July 20, 1993 2 Teleconference Summary 1. Move jmJobSubmissionTime to Queue Group · Resolution - Yes 2. Three objects not implemented by anyone · jmGeneralQueingAlgorithm - Delete · jmJobMessageToOperator - Delete · jmJobTypes - Keep 3. Resource enums that are not currently supported by any vnedor · DocumentCopiesProduced - retain · FaxPhoneNumber - Remove 4. Include these from vendor specfic implementations · pages in original document - add (logical pages) · output bins used - add · If job goes into more that one outut bin use a separate row in the resource table for every output bin used. (In general, there is a row in the Resource table for each resource used) · colorants used - add · media used - add 5. Old issues · 15, 16 and 28 are no longer issues because we removed jmGeneralQueingAlgorithm · 20 - OK to add fileName(3) as a jmResourceType · 22 - not an issue due to removal of fax number · 23 - closed by adding output bin resource · 31 - re-introduce jmJobDeviceIndex? No. Management app never has to look at spooler and printer simultaneously. · 37 - jmJobSourceChannel not indexed to Printer MIB (for server implementations) · But spoolers don’t typically know about source channel · Agreed to move source channel to the Resource Table for printer implementations · Keep as index to the printer MIB channel table · 41 - Is it worth rounding down jmJobOctetsCompleted until the job completes and then round up? NO! Keep it simple and always round up. · 43 - How can jmResourceName be a union of OCTET STRING, Integer32 and Counter32? · Deferred - considering making it two bjects instead of 1. 6. New issues · 1 - add standard SNMP RowStatus? · management app can delete the row, not just the agent. Agent defines behavior. · Could allow accounting sychronization · Policies favor accounting or printing · Nice idea, but too complex for this round of the MIB. · Could cause printer to freeze · Issue closed - do not add. · How about a simple object that sizes the window within a range? · Two ways to age out · Table exceeeds upper threshold · Set time after completion · Accounting... How many jobs flowing thru this priner, then how many from bob’s dept, then bob ... never how much ps, pcl... goes by cost center in real world. · 2,3 - closed along with 1 · 4 - redraw job state diagram - note to editor · 5 - reinstate figure 2b - No, leave It out. This comes later. Put back in if any NOS expresses interest in doing the Job Monitoring MIB. · 6 - closed - don’t worry · 7 - closed - No.