GENERAL-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, Counter64, experimental FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 1442 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- RFC 1443 -- Upon publication as RFC, delete this comment and the line following -- this comment and change the reference of { printmib 100 } -- (below) to { mib-2 X }. -- This will result in changing: -- 1 3 6 1 3 54 generalTC(100) to: -- 1 3 6 1 2 1 generalTC(X) -- This will make it easier to translate prototypes to -- the standard namespace because the lengths of the OID's won't -- change. printmib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { experimental 54 } generalTC MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "9510250000Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF/DMTF Printer Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " Thomas N. Hastings Xerox Corporation, MS ES-AE 242 701 S. Aviation Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone: 1+ (310)333-6413 FAX: 1+ (310)333-6342 E-Mail:" DESCRIPTION "File: gentc.doc, .psr, .ps, .txt Version: 0.1 General Textual Conventions for use with other MIBs that use the host resources MIB (see RFC 1514)." ::= { printmib 100 } -- -- General Textual Conventions in alphabetical order. -- Cardinal16 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation for non-negative integers. Used for indexes in small tables where 0 means not specified. It avoids use of the sign bit." SYNTAX INTEGER (0..32767) -- biggest int = 2**15-1 Cardinal32 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation for non-negative integers. Used for indexes in large tables where 0 means not specified. Same size as ISO 10175 (avoids use of sign bit)." SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- biggest int = 2**31-1 Cardinal64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation for non-negative integers. Used for indexes in very large tables where 0 means not specified. Same size as ISO 10175 (avoids use of sign bit)." SYNTAX Counter64 -- Should be INTEGER (0..9223372036854775807) 2**63-1 -- but some ASN.1 compilers reject such a large limit CodedLanguage ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A two character language code from ISO 639. A blank string (two space characters) shall indicate that the territory is not defined. Examples EN, GB, CA, FR, DE." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) CodeIndexedStringIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation of string data which the agent can provide in one or more character sets (but not further localized). Typically this representation is used because the string data is relatively dynamic, changing too rapidly for full localization; or because the data exists inherently in only one or a limited number of character sets and cannot meaningfully be further localized. The value is an index into a single global string table, genCodeIndexedStringTable. A subsidiary index into the genCodeIndexedStringTable is the IANA registered enum (see the CodedCharSet textual-convention in RFC 1759) for the coded character set desired by the management station (from among the coded character sets supported by the SNMP agent). A 0 index value shall indicate that there is no associated entry in the string table. 32 bits are needed because Jobs can use up 10-12 code-indexed strings per job." SYNTAX Cardinal32 CodedTerritory ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A two character country code from ISO 3166. A blank string (two space characters) shall indicate that the territory is not defined. Examples: US, FR, DE, ..." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) Gauge64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation for a non-negative integer, which may increase or decrease, but shall never exceed 2**63-1 in value. Same size as ISO 10175 (avoids use of sign bit)." SYNTAX Counter64 -- Should be INTEGER (0..9223372036854775807) 2**63-1 -- but some ASN.1 compilers reject such a large limit Ordinal16 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation for positive integers. Used for indexes in small tables where 0 is illegal. It avoids use of the sign bit.." SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32767) -- biggest int = 2**15-1 Ordinal32 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation for positive integers. Same size as ISO 10175 (avoids use of sign bit)." SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) -- biggest int = 2**31-1 Ordinal64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation for positive integers. Same size as ISO 10175 (avoids use of sign bit)." SYNTAX Counter64 -- Should be INTEGER (1..9223372036854775807) 2**63-1 -- but some ASN.1 compilers reject such a large limit END