; PWG ISTO 5100.13 ABNF DEFINITIONS ; ; Last Update: August 19, 2014 ; ; This document contains the current ABNF definitions for the IPP Job and ; Printer Extensions - Set 3 Specification, PWG ISTO Document Number 5100.13. ; The ABNF definitions contained herein, if different from the definitions in ; the specification, supercede those present in the specification. ; ; NOTE: This ABNF allows for a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters in ; names, however specific bindings such as the Internet Printing Protocol ; only allow for lowercase letters. ; ;;;; Figure 2 - ABNF for "printer-input-tray" Values printer-input-tray = *input-required *[input-optional] ; set of input elements encoded into one value input-required = input-req ";" input-req = input-type / input-media-feed / input-media-xfeed / input-max-capacity / input-level / input-status / input-name input-optional = input-opt ";" input-opt = input-index / input-dim-unit / input-unit / input-media-name / input-media-weight / input-media-type / input-media-color input-type = "type" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., ; 'sheetFeedAutoRemovableTray') of prtInputType in [RFC3805] mapped ; indirectly from the *label* in PrtInputTypeTC in [IANAPRT] input-media-feed = "mediafeed" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared in [RFC3805] input-media-xfeed = "mediaxfeed" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirDeclared in [RFC3805] input-max-capacity = "maxcapacity" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtInputMaxCapacity in [RFC3805] input-level = "level" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtInputCurrentLevel in [RFC3805] input-status = "status" "=" 1*DIGIT ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtInputStatus in [RFC3805] input-name = "name" "=" 1*ALPHA ; string value as an alpha string mapped directly from ; prtInputName in [RFC3805] input-index = "index" "=" 1*DIGIT ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtInputIndex in [RFC3805] input-dim-unit = "dimunit" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'other') of ; prtInputDimUnit in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtMediaUnitTC in [RFC3805] input-unit = "unit" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'other') of ; prtInputCapacityUnit in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtCapacityUnitTC in [RFC3805] input-media-name = "medianame" "=" 1*ALPHA ; string value as an alpha string mapped directly from ; prtInputMediaName in [RFC3805] input-media-weight = "mediaweight" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtInputMediaWeight in [RFC3805] input-media-type = "mediatype" "=" 1*ALPHA ; string value as an alpha string mapped directly from ; prtInputMediaType in [RFC3805] input-media-color = "mediacolor" "=" 1*ALPHA ; string value as an alpha string mapped directly from ; prtInputMediaColor in [RFC3805] ;;;; Figure 3 - ABNF for "printer-output-tray" Values printer-output-tray = *output-required *[output-optional] ; set of output elements encoded into one value output-required = output-req ";" output-req = output-type / output-max-capacity / output-remaining / output-status / output-name output-optional = output-opt ";" output-opt = output-index / output-unit / output-stacking-order / output-page-delivery / output-offset-stacking output-type = "type" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string ; (e.g., 'removableBin') of prtOutputType ; in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtOutputTypeTC in [IANAPRT] output-max-capacity = "maxcapacity" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtOutputMaxCapacity in [RFC3805] output-remaining = "remaining" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtOutputRemainingCapacity in [RFC3805] output-status = "status" "=" 1*DIGIT ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtOutputStatus in [RFC3805] output-name = "name" "=" 1*ALPHA ; string value as an alpha string mapped directly from ; prtOutputName in [RFC3805] output-index = "index" "=" 1*DIGIT ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtOutputIndex in [RFC3805] output-unit = "unit" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'other') of ; prtOutputCapacityUnit in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtCapacityUnitTC in [RFC3805] output-stacking-order = "stackingorder" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'firstToLast') of ; prtOutputStackingOrder in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtOutputStackingOrderTC in [RFC3805] output-page-delivery = "pagedelivery" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'faceUp') of ; prtOutputPageDeliveryOrientation in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly ; from the *label* in PrtOutputPageDeliveryOrientationTC in ; [RFC3805] output-offset-stacking = "offsetstacking" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'notPresent') of ; prtOutputOffsetStacking in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PresentOnOff in [RFC3805] ;;;; Figure 4 - ABNF for "printer-supply" Values printer-supply = *supply-required *[supply-optional] ; set of supply elements encoded into one value supply-required = supply-req ";" supply-req = supply-type / supply-max-capacity supply-level / supply-optional = supply-opt ";" supply-opt = supply-index / marker-index / supply-class / supply-unit / colorant-index / colorant-role / colorant-name / colorant-tonality supply-type = "type" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'toner') of ; prtMarkerSuppliesType in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC in [IANAPRT] supply-max-capacity = "maxcapacity" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity in [RFC3805] supply-level = "level" "=" 1*[DIGIT / "-"] ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtMarkerSuppliesLevel in [RFC3805] supply-index = "index" "=" 1*DIGIT ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtMarkerSuppliesIndex in [RFC3805] marker-index = "markerindex" "=" 1*DIGIT ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtMarkerSuppliesMarkerIndex in [RFC3805] supply-class = "class" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'other') of ; prtMarkerSuppliesClass in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC in [RFC3805] supply-unit = "unit" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'other') of ; prtMarkerSuppliesSupplUnit in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC in [RFC3805] colorant-index = "colorantindex" "=" 1*DIGIT ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtMarkerColorantIndex in [RFC3805] colorant-role = "colorantrole" "=" 1*ALPHA ; enumerated value as an alpha string (e.g., 'other') of ; prtMarkerColorantRole in [RFC3805] mapped indirectly from ; the *label* in PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC in [RFC3805] colorant-name = "colorantname" "=" 1*ALPHA ; string value as an alpha string mapped directly from ; prtMarkerColorantValue in [RFC3805] colorant-tonality = "coloranttonality" "=" 1*DIGIT ; integer value as a numeric string mapped directly from ; prtMarkerColorantTonality in [RFC3805]