WIMS> CIM> October 6 CIM concall at 2 PM EDT

Whittle, Craig cwhittle at sharplabs.com
Thu Oct 6 11:48:07 EDT 2005

This e-mail is a reminder of our regularly scheduled WIM/CIM teleconference.
I am not sure if Bill Wagner, our chairperson, will not be joining us;
therefore, I will conduct the concall.  I don't expect our concall will be
very long. Please join us using the information that follows:


Toll Free: 1-866-365-4406 

International: 00+1+303-248-9655 

Passcode: 2635888# 


Note the agenda below:

1.	Review impressions, decisions, and next steps from concall with CIM
2.	What's next?


Please let me know if you have any items you would like to add or change to
the agenda.


Best regards,



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