WIMS> Counter Spec and Counter MIB Last Call Comments

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at sharplabs.com
Mon Apr 18 16:37:57 EDT 2005


Retitled to reflect that most of the comments are in fact on
the Counter Spec rather than the Counter MIB.

I probably won't have any time to consider any of these comments
this week or next week.  We're moving north to Lake Superior
early next week.

My efforts this week will be on Port Monitor MIB issues and
FSG/OP topics.

- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at sharplabs.com
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-wims at pwg.org [mailto:owner-wims at pwg.org]On Behalf Of
thrasher at lexmark.com
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 3:57 PM
To: wims at pwg.org
Subject: WIMS> Counter MIB Last Call Comments

1. Counter MIB. 
Counter Spec. Page 11 Line 388,389. states that usage counters for devices
and subunits are NOT being addressed.  This being the case the MIB should
not include subunit counter definition language for subunits at this time
until the counters can be reviewed as to there applicability to the specific
subunits that have been defined and new counters defined, if needed, to
address specific subunits. 
(e.g. how can Monitoring.CompletedFinisherJobs apply to anything but a
finisher subunit, how does the concept of a Job apply to the channel
subunit, the inputTray subunit or any subunits other than possibly the
interpreter and transformer subunits.) 

2.Counter Spec. 
The definitions for each counter should include definitions that are one,
consistent with any repeated language in the Counter MIB descriptions, and
two completely specify the attributes of the counter. The Counter Spec.
should explicitely define and state the "units" of each count as well as the
initial, reset value and it's "rollover" value (i.e. how many bits, signed
or unsigned).   
Example case of a WIMS proxy that's proxying two agents, one implementing
the Counter MIB (with mostly 32 bit counters) and one with another
management protocol binding that uses either 16 bit or 64 bit
counters....does the WIMS proxy manage the rollover cases when relaying
information to the WIMS manager....??? 

3. Counter Spec. Page 12 Line 405, grammer error in sentence. Line
417,sentence should read that counters aggregate the totals of like counters
with like units.... 

4. Counter Spec. Page 17, grammer error in first sentence of
Datastream.BlankImpressions, FCImpressions and HCImpressions
definitions.....(use not uses). 

5. Counter Spec. or MIB. Page 22 Monitoring table: Monitoring.Alerts.....The
MIB named it  Monitoring.TotalAlerts.....seems more accurate. 

6. Counter Spec. Page 14, Line 436, word miss-spelled in sentence (should be
"sum" not "sub"). 

7. Counter Spec. Page 16, Definition of Job.InputKOctets and OutputKOctets
does not match that of the Counter MIB.  The Counter MIB's
TrafficJobInputKOctets restricts the definition to data  recieved over ALL
channels. (which is defined as a subunit)....not sure either is correct. 

8. Counter Spec./MIB...The counter MIB defines TrafficJobInputMessages and
TrafficJobOutputMessages..the Counter Spec. does not, but does define
Monitoring.InputMessages and Monitoring.Outputs. 

9. Counter Spec. lists JobInputMessages and JobOutputMessages in 5.3, 5.4,
5.5, 5.6, 5,7 and 5.8. (should be MonitoringInputMessages). 

10. Counter MIB. The counter MIB needs to explicitly map its naming (or name
modification/shortening) of counters to the explicit names in the
definitions in Section 4 of the Counter Spec. 

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