WIMS> 12 Noon EST 7 Dec WIMS Telcom

wamwagner at comcast.net wamwagner at comcast.net
Mon Dec 5 14:36:09 EST 2005

There will be a WIMS conference call on Wednesday, 7 December at 12 noon EST. Subject will be review of changes to the WIMS Protocol Spec. I will try to have a revised draft up, but in any case would like to discuss some of Ira's  recent additions.

Dial In: 1-866-365-4406 
Passcode: 2635888# 

I thank Jerry for his recent work on the diagrams. Unfortunately, although SmartDraw claims to be able to  accept Viso diagrams, there are significant provisos so that I cannot modify the current Visio diagrams. After we discuss the diagrams, I would appreciate it if Jerry could make subsequent fixes.

I suggest the following for discussion:

1.  The addition of the connect/authenticate to the sequence diagram is reasonable, but I suggest that both these and the SNMP interactions be distinguished by color or shading form the WIMS operations and actions, since they are not the subject of the spec.

2.  Each of the transactions should be on a separate diagram so that the associated notes can be put on the same page.

3. I was surprised to see the Action in response to the "Execute Action" operation handled in the same connection as the request. Since I have regarded "Execute Action"  as  a "SetSchedule" with an immediate execution time, I considered that the  "Execute Action" command would be one connection (initiated by the manager) and the Action itself, if it required contacting the manager, would involve a separate connection initiated by the agent. Although embedding the action in the command connection appears more  like an SNMP interaction, it makes the agent  action execution distinct from a scheduled action execution.

4. I will have some requested rework of the Remote Management example to make the presentation parallel  that for the Intra-Enterprise Management example.

5. I will have some proposed rewording of the Intra-Enterprise Management steps.

Although I intended to have these (and other proposed changes)  in a clean draft to be posted, my attempt to edit the draft produced a "formatting too complex" error loop in Word that made editing impossible. Thinking that the error message resulted the from vast number of styles that have accumulated because of imports and because Word appears to create a new style every time you make a slight modification to an existing style, I attempted to eliminate unused styles and consolidate others. This had the effect of destroying much of the formatting and, inexplicably, even eliminated some text. I will continue to resurrect the basic document but, if it is not completed in time, I may  present specific changes  for discussion as extracts.

Bill Wagner, Chairman WIMS WG/PWG
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