WIMS> WIMS Protocol Spec & Schema Working Group Last Call

wamwagner at comcast.net wamwagner at comcast.net
Thu Nov 10 16:33:59 EST 2005

Thank you for your last call comments. We have had several directed at making the document more comprehensible, but there have been no technical objections so far. Ira noted that the document relies upon certain schema in a normative way (although this may not be clear in the document). The schema and the document must therefore be advanced together, and I am therefore also giving notice that certain schema  in ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/wims/schemas/ are also up for last call. The  posted schema have their date appended to the name. It would be the most recent versions to be reviewed.
Several schema reference other schema, but these references are of course to the undated names. If using a program such as XMLSPY to view the schema, the date codes should be removed from the file names. When approved, the schema will be given undated filenames and be stored with other PWG approved schema.
While you are reviewing the WIMS protocol related schema, please look also at the device management schema in the reference directory.The intent is to transfer these to the Semantic Model WG  for eventual inclusion into the semantic model.
Thanks for your efforts.  
Bill Wagner, Chairman, WIMS/PWG
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