WIMS> Posted Counter MIB v0.40 (27 November 2004)

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at sharplabs.com
Sat Nov 27 16:46:31 EST 2004

Hi folks,                                    Saturday (27 November 2004)

I have just posted PWG Imaging Counter MIB v0.40 (a major rewrite) at:


This MIB compiles without warnings in SMICng and Epilogue compilers.

This version is based on our PWG face-to-face meetings in Montreal,
Lexington, and San Antonio and recent WIMS telecons.

- 1942 lines of ASN.1 source and comments
  - UNITS clauses for all counter objects
  - REFERENCE clauses for all columnar objects
  - OBJECT-GROUP clauses for all groups with conformance details

- datatype and object definitions
  - 4 textual conventions
  - 4 scalar objects (read-only) in General group
  - 28 index objects (not-accessible)
  - 55 columnar objects (read-only)

- 12 object groups (11 tables)
  - 5 Mandatory object groups
    - General, Key, Service, Time, Monitor
  - 6 Conditionally Mandatory object groups
    - Subunit, Image, Impression, Two Sided, Sheet, Traffic
  - 1 Optional object group
    - Media Used

Remaining Work Items:

- Counter additions for various Finisher processes - units of work???

- Counter additions for UP3i - need more review


- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at sharplabs.com

[Change Log from the MODULE-IDENTITY clause of the MIB]

    REVISION        "0411270000Z" -- 27 November 2004 (v0.40)
    DESCRIPTION     "Third revision of the Imaging Counter MIB.
                    - major rewrite, including all INDEX clauses,
                      to align with PWG Counter spec and schema,
                      per request of Pete Zehler.
                    - added 'IcServiceTypeTC' and 'IcSubunitTypeTC'
                      textual conventions for use in 'icServiceTable'
                      and 'icSubunitTable' (for direct lookup of keys).
                    - added 'IcWorkTypeTC' (for direct lookup of 'job',
                      'datastream', 'auxiliary', etc. work counters),
                      to align with PWG Counter spec and schema.
                    - added 'IcCycleTypeTC' (for direct lookup of
                      'life', 'power', and 'reset' scope work counters),
                      to align with PWG Counter spec and schema.
                    - added 'icGeneral' scalar objects group, to support
                      (missing) language tag for 'ic...Info' objects
                      and counts of services, subunits, and media used
                      types (for efficient SNMP access without errors).
                    - added 'icKeyTable', to support lookup of all
                      service and subunit keys configured.
                    - added 'icServiceTable' and 'icSubunitTable',
                      to support direct lookup of any specific service
                      or subunit (but simplify indexing of work tables).
                    - renamed 'icBasicTable' to 'icMonitorTable' and
                      added 'icMonitorMemoryAlloc...' counters,
                      to align with PWG Counter spec and schema.
                    - deleted 'icJobSetTable' and moved all of the job
                      completion counters to 'icMonitorTable',
                      to align with PWG Counter spec and schema.
                    - added 'icTwoSidedTable' for duplex impressions,
                      to align with PWG Counter spec and schema.
                    - renamed 'icTrafficInputChannelKOctets' to
                      'icTrafficJobInputKOctets' (for clarity) and
                      added symmetric 'icTrafficJobOutputKOctets'
                      (for 'faxIn/Out' and 'netFaxIn/Out'),
                      per October review at PWG Lexington face-to-face.
                    - added 'icTrafficInputMessages' and symmetric
                      'icTrafficOutputMessages' (for 'emailIn/Out'),
                      per October review at PWG Lexington face-to-face."


icGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP

IcKeyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  key index elements
        icKeyIndex                      Integer32,

        --  key description elements
        icKeyServiceType                IcServiceTypeTC,
        icKeyServiceIndex               Integer32,
        icKeySubunitType                IcSubunitTypeTC,
        icKeySubunitIndex               Integer32

IcServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  service index elements
        icServiceType                   IcServiceTypeTC,
        icServiceIndex                  Integer32,

        --  service description elements
        icServiceKey                    Integer32,
        icServiceInfo                   SnmpAdminString,
        icServiceJobSetIndex            Integer32

IcMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  monitor index elements
        icMonitorKeyIndex               Integer32,
        icMonitorCycleType              IcCycleTypeTC,

        --  monitor counter elements
        icMonitorConfigChanges          Counter32,
        icMonitorTotalAlerts            Counter32,
        icMonitorCriticalAlerts         Counter32,
        icMonitorAbortedJobs            Counter32,
        icMonitorCanceledJobs           Counter32,
        icMonitorCompletedJobs          Counter32,
        icMonitorCompletedFinisherJobs  Counter32,
        icMonitorMemoryAllocErrors      Counter32,
        icMonitorMemoryAllocWarnings    Counter32,
        icMonitorStorageAllocErrors     Counter32,
        icMonitorStorageAllocWarnings   Counter32

IcImpressionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  impression index elements
        icImpKeyIndex                   Integer32,
        icImpCycleType                  IcCycleTypeTC,
        icImpWorkType                   IcWorkTypeTC,

        --  impression counter elements
        icImpTotalImpressions           Counter32,
        icImpBlackImpressions           Counter32,
        icImpBlankImpressions           Counter32,
        icImpFullColorImpressions       Counter32,
        icImpHighlightColorImpressions  Counter32


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