WIMS> PWG Counter specification and schema update

Zehler, Peter PZehler at crt.xerox.com
Tue Sep 14 12:27:14 EDT 2004

I have finished the next round of updates.  The main changes are:
*	Incorporated the comments from the face to face
*	Aligned the definitions in the tables with the glossary
*	Simplified the tables and list of counters
*	Highlighted areas that need to be addressed
*	Added issue on moving the count of the blank impression back side of
an odd numbered job to AuxiliaryBlank
*	Removed obsolete appendix

The updated specification is available at:
<ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/wims/wd/wd-wimscount10-20040913.pdf>  (and .doc)
The updated schema is available at:

				Peter Zehler 
				Xerox Innovation Group 
				Email: PZehler at crt.xerox.com 
				Voice:    (585) 265-8755 
				FAX:      (585) 422-7961 
				US Mail: Peter Zehler
				              Xerox Corp. 
				              800 Phillips Rd. 
				              M/S 128-25E 
				              Webster NY, 14580-9701 

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