WBMM> Posted Counter MIB v0.30 (28 April 2004)

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at sharplabs.com
Wed Apr 28 16:15:04 EDT 2004

Hi folks,                                      Wednesday (28 April 2004)

[Pete - for your meeting tomorrow with Xerox developers]

I have just posted a revised PWG Imaging Counter MIB v0.30, based on
comments in our recent WBMM telecons and review at last week's PWG
meeting in Washington, DC.  This MIB compiles without warnings in SMICng
and Epilogue compilers and is posted at:


The PWG Imaging Counter MIB (see change log below) defines:

- 1346 lines of ASN.1 source and comments
- 3 textual conventions
- 23 index objects (not-accessible)
- 39 columnar objects (read-only)
- 8 tables
  - 4 mandatory tables (Basic, Job Set, Time, Traffic)
  - 3 conditionally mandatory tables (Image, Impression, Sheet)
  - 1 optional table (Media Used)
- UNITS clauses for all columnar counter objects
- REFERENCE clauses for all columnar objects
- MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro with OBJECT-GROUP clauses specifying complete
  conformance requirements for all tables

Action Item - Ira
- propose some Finishing counter additions
- at that time, the current 'icJobSetCompletedFinisherJobs' (see change
  log below) may be removed (as redundant)


- Ira 

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at sharplabs.com

[Change Log from the MODULE-IDENTITY clause of the MIB]

    REVISION        "0404280000Z" -- 28 April 2004 (v0.30)
    DESCRIPTION     "Second revision of the Imaging Counter MIB.
                    - revised all INDEX clauses to:  '...ElementClass',
                      '...ElementFunction', and '...ElementIndex' (for
                      efficient access to a specific element instance),
                      per request of Pete Zehler.
                    - added 'icJobSetTable' for the job counters removed
                      from 'icBasicTable' (only applicable to system,
                      service, or device managed elements).
                    - renamed 'icJobSetFinishedJobs' to
                      'icJobSetCompletedFinisherJobs' for clarity,
                      per request of Pete Zehler.
                    - renamed 'icTrafficChannelDataKOctets' to
                      'icTrafficInputChannelKOctets' and revised
                      description, per request of Pete Zehler.
                    - renamed 'icMediaTable' to 'icMediaUsedTable' for
                      clarity, per WIMS discussions.
                    - revised indices of 'icMediaUsedTable' to be
                      'icMediaUsedSizeName' and 'icMediaUsedIndex',
                      per request of Pete Zehler.
                    - revised 'icMediaUsedInfo' to make it mandatory to
                      distinguish between same media size instances,
                      per request of Pete Zehler."


IcBasicEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  basic key elements
        icBasicElementClass             IcElementClassTC,
        icBasicElementFunction          IcElementFunctionTC,
        icBasicElementIndex             Integer32,

        --  basic counter elements
        icBasicElementPersistence       IcElementPersistenceTC,
        icBasicElementInfo              SnmpAdminString,
        icBasicConfigChanges            Counter32,
        icBasicTotalAlerts              Counter32,
        icBasicCriticalAlerts           Counter32

IcJobSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  job set key elements
        icJobSetElementClass            IcElementClassTC,
        icJobSetElementFunction         IcElementFunctionTC,
        icJobSetElementIndex            Integer32,

        --  job set counter elements
        icJobSetAbortedJobs             Counter32,
        icJobSetCanceledJobs            Counter32,
        icJobSetCompletedJobs           Counter32,
        icJobSetCompletedFinisherJobs   Counter32,

        --  job set description elements
        icJobSetJmGeneralJobSetIndex    Integer32

IcTimeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  time key elements
        icTimeElementClass              IcElementClassTC,
        icTimeElementFunction           IcElementFunctionTC,
        icTimeElementIndex              Integer32,

        --  time counter elements
        icTimeTotalSeconds              Counter32,
        icTimeDownSeconds               Counter32,
        icTimeMaintenanceSeconds        Counter32,
        icTimeProcessingSeconds         Counter32

IcTrafficEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  traffic key elements
        icTrafficElementClass           IcElementClassTC,
        icTrafficElementFunction        IcElementFunctionTC,
        icTrafficElementIndex           Integer32,

        --  traffic counter elements
        icTrafficStorageAllocErrors     Counter32,
        icTrafficStorageAllocWarnings   Counter32,
        icTrafficLocalStorageKOctets    Counter32,
        icTrafficRemoteStorageKOctets   Counter32,
        icTrafficInputChannelKOctets    Counter32

IcImageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  image key elements
        icImageElementClass             IcElementClassTC,
        icImageElementFunction          IcElementFunctionTC,
        icImageElementIndex             Integer32,

        --  image counter elements
        icImageTotalImages              Counter32,
        icImageBlackImages              Counter32,
        icImageFullColorImages          Counter32

IcImpressionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  impression key elements
        icImpElementClass               IcElementClassTC,
        icImpElementFunction            IcElementFunctionTC,
        icImpElementIndex               Integer32,

        --  impression counter elements
        icImpTotalImpressions           Counter32,
        icImpBlackImpressions           Counter32,
        icImpBlankImpressions           Counter32,
        icImpFullColorImpressions       Counter32,
        icImpHighlightColorImpressions  Counter32

IcSheetEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  sheet key elements
        icSheetElementClass             IcElementClassTC,
        icSheetElementFunction          IcElementFunctionTC,
        icSheetElementIndex             Integer32,

        --  sheet counter elements
        icSheetTotalSheets              Counter32,
        icSheetBlackSheets              Counter32,
        icSheetBlankSheets              Counter32,
        icSheetFullColorSheets          Counter32,
        icSheetHighlightColorSheets     Counter32

IcMediaUsedEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  media used key elements
        icMediaUsedSizeName             SnmpAdminString,
        icMediaUsedIndex                Integer32,

        --  media used counter elements
        icMediaUsedTotalSheets          Counter32,
        icMediaUsedBlackSheets          Counter32,
        icMediaUsedBlankSheets          Counter32,
        icMediaUsedFullColorSheets      Counter32,
        icMediaUsedHighlightColorSheets Counter32,

        --  media used description elements
        icMediaUsedName                 SnmpAdminString,
        icMediaUsedInfo                 SnmpAdminString


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