WBMM> Posted PWG Imaging Counter MIB v0.10 (12 March 2004)

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at sharplabs.com
Fri Mar 12 13:33:07 EST 2004

Hi folks,                                       Thursday (11 March 2004)

[per our discussion at PWG face-to-face in San Jose in February 2004]

I have just posted a prototype PWG Imaging Counter MIB v0.10, based on
option 2 in my previous proposal, which completely covers all counters
defined in Pete Zehler's most recent table.  The MIB compiles without
warnings in SMICng and Epilogue compilers and is posted at:


The PWG Imaging Counter MIB defines:
- two textual conventions
- one table
- one index object
- 28 columnar objects
- one REQUIRED object group (7 objects)
- five OPTIONAL object groups (21 objects)
- UNITS clauses for all columnar objects
- REFERENCE clauses for normative sources in Job Mon MIB (RFC 2707),
  Printer MIB v1 (RFC 1759), Printer MIB v2 (draft-15), Host Resources
  MIB (RFC 2790), MIB-II (RFC 1213), and IPP/1.1 (RFC 2911) for all
  columnar objects

The MIB is 642 lines of ASN.1 source and was written in one day!


- Ira 

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at sharplabs.com


IcCounterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        --  counter key object
        icCounterIndex                  Integer32,

        --  counter base objects - REQUIRED
        icCounterPersistence            StorageType,
        icCounterElementClass           IcElementClassTC,
        icCounterElementFunction        IcElementFunctionTC,
        icCounterElementInfo            SnmpAdminString,
        icCounterConfigChanges          Counter32,
        icCounterTotalAlerts            Counter32,
        icCounterCriticalAlerts         Counter32,

        --  counters for availability - OPTIONAL
        icCounterTotalTime              Counter32,
        icCounterDownTime               Counter32,
        icCounterMaintenanceTime        Counter32,
        icCounterProcessingTime         Counter32,

        --  counters for images - OPTIONAL
        icCounterTotalImages            Counter32,
        icCounterBlackImages            Counter32,
        icCounterFullColorImages        Counter32,

        --  counters for impressions - OPTIONAL
        icCounterTotalImpressions       Counter32,
        icCounterBlackImpressions       Counter32,
        icCounterBlankImpressions       Counter32,
        icCounterFullColorImpressions   Counter32,
        icCounterHighlightImpressions   Counter32,

        --  counters for sheets - OPTIONAL
        icCounterTotalSheets            Counter32,
        icCounterBlackSheets            Counter32,
        icCounterBlankSheets            Counter32,
        icCounterFullColorSheets        Counter32,
        icCounterHighlightSheets        Counter32,

        --  counters for data - OPTIONAL
        icCounterLocalStorageThresholds Counter32,
        icCounterLocalStorageKOctets    Counter32,
        icCounterRemoteStorageKOctets   Counter32,
        icCounterChannelDataKOctets     Counter32

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