WBMM> PWG Imaging System, Resource, and Media MIBs proposal

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at sharplabs.com
Thu Feb 19 16:05:19 EST 2004

Hi folks,                                    Thursday (19 February 2004)

In the WBMM WG, we agreed we need a PWG 'extension' to Printer MIB v2
for support of:

(1) Multi-function services and devices; and
(2) Multi-function counters that Pete Zehler has proposed from Xerox.

After some discussion at this week's WBMM telecon, here are heirarchy
diagrams of a set of proposed PWG MIBs:

                PWG Imaging System MIB

|-----------|                               |-----------|
|  System   |...............................|  System   |
|    (1)    |                         1-->n | Attribute |
|-----------|                               |-----------|
      :             |-----------|           |-----------|
      :.............|  Service  |           |  Service  |
      :       1-->n |           |...........| Attribute |
      :             |-----------|     1-->n |-----------|
      :             |-----------|           |-----------|
      :.............|  Device   |           |  Device   |
      :       1-->n |           |...........| Attribute |
      :             |-----------|     1-->n |-----------|
      :             |-----------|
      :.............|  Locale   |
      :       1-->n |           |
      :             |-----------|
      :             |-----------|
      :.............|   Alert   |
              1-->n |           |

and one notification group:

    Alert Trap - multi-function alerts for system/service/device

                PWG Resource MIB

|  General  |
|    (1)    |
      :             |-----------|           |-----------|
      :.............| Resource  |           | Resource  |
              1-->n |           |...........| Attribute |
                    |-----------|     1-->n |-----------|

                PWG Media MIB

|  General  |
|    (1)    |
      :             |-----------|           |-----------|
      :.............|   Media   |           |   Media   |
              1-->n |           |...........| Attribute |
                    |-----------|     1-->n |-----------|

This proposal captures the entire functionality of the (never completed)
MFPA MFP MIB, Scanner MIB, Image Processing MIB, by generalizing from
the Printer MIB v1/v2.  It also adds service-level functionality.


- Ira

PS - Excerpts below are from work-in-progress for an Imaging System MIB.

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at sharplabs.com

[some details of the proposal]

PWG Imaging System MIB

* System group
- corresponds to (but does NOT import from) System group
  in IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 2790)

- top-level state, description, and counters, e.g.,

    isSystemState OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IsObjectStateTC
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The state of this Imaging System (e.g., idle)."
            "See:   'printer-state' in IPP/1.1 Model (RFC 2911);
                    'hrDeviceStatus' in Host Resources MIB (RFC 2790)."
        ::= { isSystemEntry 2 }

    isSystemTotalAlerts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Total system, service, or device alerts that have occurred
            on this Imaging System."
        ::= { isSystemEntry 4 }

* System Attribute group
- based on Job Mon MIB (RFC 2707) and Finisher MIB attribute tables

- top-level counters (totals from Pete Zehler's counters), e.g.,

    generalInputImages(75),             -- INTEGER - counter
        -- total images received by system, service, or device

    generalImpressions(81),             -- INTEGER - counter
        -- total impressions printed by system, service, or device

- top-level description (most tables from Printer MIB v2), e.g.,

    generalInputDefaultIndex(54),       -- INTEGER - index or zero
        -- default input tray, i.e., 'isXxxAttributeValueIndex'
        -- see 'prtInputDefaultIndex' in Printer MIB v1
        -- (RFC 1759) and Printer MIB v2 (IESG-approved) for usage

    inputType(151),                     -- INTEGER - enumeration
        -- input tray technology type (usually by feed mechanism)

        -- see 'PrtInputTypeTC' in IANA Printer MIB

* Service group
- based on IPP/1.1 Printer (RFC 2911) and PWG Semantic Model
- corresponds to (but does NOT import from) Software Installed and
  Software Running groups in IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 2790)
- service-level state, description, and counters

* Service Attribute group
- based on IPP/1.1 Printer (RFC 2911) and PWG Semantic Model
- service-level counters (details from Pete Zehler's counters)
- service-level description (most tables from Printer MIB v2)

* Device group
- based on (but does NOT import from) Printer MIB v1/v2
- corresponds to (but does NOT import from) Device group
  in IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 2790)
- device-level state, description, and counters

* Device Attribute group
- based on (but does NOT import from) Printer MIB v1/v2
- device-level counters (details from Pete Zehler's counters)
- device-level description (most tables from Printer MIB v2)

* Locale group
- based on (but does NOT import from) Printer MIB v1/v2
- corresponds to Localization group in Printer MIB v1/v2
- system-level localization

* Alert group
- based on (but does NOT import from) Printer MIB v1/v2
- corresponds to Alert group in Printer MIB v1/v2
- system/service/device-level events

PWG Resource MIB

* Resource group
- based on WBMM Resource schema (from IPP Resource draft)
- resource-level state, description, and counters

* Resource Attribute group
- based on WBMM Resource schema (from IPP Resource draft)
- resource-level state, description, and counters


* Media group
- based on IPP/1.1 Media (PWG 5100.3) and PWG Semantic Model
- media-level description and counters

* Media Attribute group
- based on IPP/1.1 Media (PWG 5100.3) and PWG Semantic Model
- media-level counters (details from Pete Zehler's counters)
- media-level description

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