WBMM> 9 July WBMM phone conference

Wagner,William WWagner at NetSilicon.com
Wed Jul 2 18:13:59 EDT 2003

Well, following the new PWG Process procedures, I concluded that we did not have a quorum at today's phone conference. However, Ira and Harry had a nice chat. Ira also suggested that we add management in documented PSI scenarios to our use cases. I  had indicated that, instead of  jumping to defining operations, we take a more methodical view of the use cases and what is necessary to implement them. 

Therefore, giving a little more time, I hereby announce a meeting for next Wednesday, with the  same agenda. I  believe that Kelli will provide WebEx info.

Time:12:00 PM EDT (9:00 AM PDT) Wednesday 09 July 2003
Call-in US Toll-free: 1-877-874-5524
Call-in International/Toll: 1-712-455-8420
Participant Identification number: 497478

Subjects are:

1. Review of Harry's Portland WBMM minutes 

2. Wrap up on Charter -ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/wbmm/charter/Charter_Proposal_3.pdf

3. Additional comments  on Kelli's MFD Use cases - 	ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/wbmm/white/MFD_Scenarios_v1.pdf

4. Next Steps - Discussion of ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/wbmm/white/definitions1.pdf , which I posted last month as a start to the process of developing WBMM from the use cases.

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