[SM3] SM3 meeting minutes. 10/12/2016

Manchala, Daniel Daniel.Manchala at xerox.com
Wed Oct 12 18:16:14 UTC 2016

Attendees: Jeremy Reitz (Xerox), Pete Zehler (Xerox), Paul Tykodi (TCS), Daniel Manchala (Xerox)

1. SM2: Bill Wagner worked on the gaps between the v2.905 SM and the IPP specs (some of these include Resource Service part of System Service, Finishings, Scan). Jeremy to work with Bill to add the relevant elements to the Semantic Model.

2. SM3: Daniel identified the new elements from Print3D to be added to SM3 model. These are in github. Bill mentioned in one of the earlier meetings that he will map these to XML SM3 elements.

3. License: The PWG has a free license to use LiquidXML. Daniel has been using it. We need to label each HTML page generated and placed on PWG site that these HTML pages were generated by LiquidXML. Paul Tykodi to talk to LiquidXML folks to get a new license (2016 version) and give it to Jeremy through Smith Kennedy (HP), the PWG chair.

4. JDFMAP: It is in prototype stage. Ira usually discusses it in the F2F meetings.

5. Website: Mike Sweet and Smith Kennedy usually update the site. Jeremy to send broken links to either one.

6. Meeting Agenda and Minutes: Bill Wagner usually calls for the meeting, agenda and add the meeting minutes to the PWG site. In his absence, Jeremy will call for the meeting, agenda and the minutes.

7. WebEx for SM & SC: These are two different ones. Smith & Bill to send the WebEx info to Jeremy and include Jeremy in the mailing lists. Maybe Jeremy needs to subscribe to these lists.

8. F2F Meeting Slides: Jeremy together with the rest of the team to update the slides for each F2F meeting, upload the slides (in PDF) to ftp site, and update the meeting page with the URL of the presentation slides. 

9. Jeremy to represent Xerox interests at PWG. 

10. Jeremy assumes the chair role of SM WG. He will call in the meeting, do the roll call,  and read the IPR statement at the beginning of each meeting.

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