[SM3] Meeting Minutes. Sep 22, 2014; 11:00 – 12:00 PDT

Manchala, Daniel Daniel.Manchala at xerox.com
Fri Sep 26 17:17:38 UTC 2014

SM3 Meeting Minutes

Sep 22, 2014; 11:00 – 12:00 PDT / 2:00 -3:00 PM EDT

Bill Wagner (TIC)
Paul Tykodi (TCS)
Rick Yardumian (Canon)
Daniel Manchala (Xerox)

Paul to create PPDMAP (prototype state) by 9/26.

Paul Tykodi is waiting for guidance from pdfa.org, the PDF association which is part of TC130, a working group within the ISO handling PDF standardization, for job ticket transfer format for PDF-vt.

Daniel to delete the emailXXService.xsd files,  the emailxx keywords in PwgWellKnownValues.xsd.  Validating the schema will show you where those files have been hooked in so those links can be cleaned up (e.g., Services.xsd).

Daniel to talk to Pete regarding the naming of elements: <service>Operation vs. Operation(<service>)

Bill will supply a list of confusing elements in the SM3 schema. The confusion comes because we have the same element name for a binary element indicating support for a capability and the element indicating the value for that capability. For example, DocumentName as a Boolean under DocumentDescriptionCapabilities  and DocumentName as a string under DocumentDescription.   (There is also a DocumentNameSupported Boolean) The system does not seem to have problems with this, since they are members of different complex elements. But it may be confusing to humans.

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