[SM3] Minutes of the SM-WG meeting (April 21, 2014)

Manchala, Daniel Daniel.Manchala at xerox.com
Tue Apr 22 00:02:33 UTC 2014


Bill Wagner
Rick Yardumian
Daniel Manchala


Bill suggested that we should review the outline and approach of the SM3 document at the next F2F meeting in May 2014 (Cupertino) since we looked at the outline and approach over a year ago.

There was a question of what is the best and effective way of presenting the pictorial version of the XML schema. At present, there is one on the web. Should we also have one within the SM3 document (perhaps in the appendix).

There is a certain confusion in the naming of attributes or elements in the XML schema, particularly those that have the same name for the element, but with different types (for example, DocumentName and DocumentMessage) found in the general Imaging System schema.

We need to take a look at the schedule for the mapping documents, some have slipped their due dates.

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