[SM3] SM3 Overall - Use Case Draft

William A Wagner wamwagner at comcast.net
Sun Dec 15 22:24:47 UTC 2013

I have posted sections 1-3 of a preliminary SM3 'starting point' draft at :


This test was derived from the SM2 Rational document and the SM2 Common
Semantics. I had done some modification when the complete document was
posted, and some more recently, but I present this text as a starting point
to produce comparable sections for the SM3 overall Model document.
Understanding that different writers may work on the various sections at
different times, the posted draft is only of the introductory, terminology
and rationale sections. The understanding was that this will provide the
environment for the Transform Use Case addition. However, these sections are
also open to comment and to volunteers who may wish to rework them.

Note that the Use Case section is of a less abbreviated style, corresponding
to how these were done in the past. I caution that there is a lot of
constructive work to do on this specification and that the value of spending
time reworking adequate if verbose sections should be carefully considered.

Bill Wagner

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