SM> RE: Semantic Model Teleconference - May 31

Zehler, Peter Peter.Zehler at
Tue May 30 13:47:52 EDT 2006

If anyone has additional material they would like presented at
tomorrow's teleconference, please post it to the ftp site and send me a

Peter Zehler
Xerox Innovation Group
Email: Peter.Zehler at
Voice: (585) 265-8755
FAX: (585) 265-7441
US Mail: Peter Zehler
Xerox Corp.
800 Phillips Rd.
M/S 128-25E
Webster NY, 14580-9701 

> _____________________________________________ 
> From: 	Zehler, Peter  
> Sent:	Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:00 AM
> To:	'sm at'
> Subject:	Semantic Model Teleconference - May 31
> All, 
> On Wednesday May 31 there will be a Semantic Model Teleconference .
> This week we will focus on Job modeling in a multifunction device.
> Anyone with an opinion is invited to participate.  Anyone wishing to
> present send some information should make it available to the mailing
> list and myself at least a couple of days before the teleconference.
> I will include it in an updated agenda.  It does not have to be
> formal.  Any pictures that will help illustrate your position would be
> helpful for the discussion.  
> The latest straw man proposal for a PWG Semantic Model v2.0 Schema is
> available at
> <>.
> Those of you who will not have access to MyMeetings access should have
> the updated schema available for the meeting.  I also posted a couple
> of schema diagrams showing the representation of contained and
> referenced jobs from the Semantic Model
> <
> g> and
> <
> ng>.   I will post any additional material as it becomes available.
> Date/Time: 
> May 31 2006 
> 1 pm - 2 pm eastern 
> Dial-In 
> Tele-Con Number:1-866-365-4406 
> PassCode: 2635888
> WebEx Meeting Details ( 
> Meeting Number: 747275324
> Meeting Passcode: PwgSm
> Meeting Host: Peter Zehler
> Join Instructions for Instant Net Conference:
> 1. Join the meeting now:
> 2. Enter the required fields.
> 3. Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy.
> 4. Click on Proceed. If you have problems with the above link, go to
> , select "join an event" and use the meeting
> number and passcode from above. 
> Agenda: 	1) Approve previous meeting minutes
> 		2) Agenda bashing
> 		3) Walk through the updated straw man schema
> <>
> Focusing on Services and Jobs
> 		4) Discuss alternatives to Jobs schema structure
> (containment versus reference)
> 		4) Discuss Job classes (Common attributes of jobs,
> service specific attributes, differences in the binding of jobs to
> instances such as print versus scan)
> 		5) Discuss next steps and dates
> Pete
> I have created an updated version of the SM schema. 
> A local version (i.e. relative links to schema files stored in the
> same directory) of the schema is available at 
> <>. I
> have included an XMLSPY project file. 
> What I have done since the last update is 
> 1) Added Ira's WIMS updates to the SM
> 	a) WIMS Agents, Managers and Resources are added
> 	b) Subunits, System and Devices added
> 	c) Services are all renamed to clarify
> 2) Made temporary edits to all schema so they are valid individually
> (simplifies editing)
> 3) Added PrintServicesZ under Services to contrast reference versus
> containment of Jobs
> What I have not done is 
> 1) Updated the master list of elements 
> 2) Done anything to the SM specification 
> Pete 
> Peter Zehler 
> Xerox Innovation Group 
> Email: Peter.Zehler at 
> Voice: (585) 265-8755 
> FAX: (585) 265-7441 
> US Mail: Peter Zehler
> Xerox Corp. 
> 800 Phillips Rd. 
> M/S 128-25E 
> Webster NY, 14580-9701 
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