SM> Job "Actual" attributes

Harry Lewis harryl at
Wed Oct 2 17:56:12 EDT 2002

In IPP, PWG Semantic Model and PSI we have Job Template attributes with 
"sister" (supported, default and ready) Printer Description attributes. 
When discussing the purpose of a "Job Ticket" in the semantic model, we 
often refer to Job Template attributes as the "job ticket" as these carry 
production intent. By definition, when queried, Job Template attributes 
must return the value associated with each attribute during submission. 
Thus, there is no way to query a job (or document) and learn WHAT ACTUALLY 
HAPPENED w.r.t. any particular attributed (ex. copies). This is covered by 
the JDF job ticket but we have said JDF is too workflow oriented for 
(initial) inclusion into the PWG Semantic Model. 

I would like to propose a solution - the addition of a group of Job 
Description attributes referred to as "-actual". These could be extensions 
to the group of Job Progress attributes or a separate grouping of Job 
Actual (or "Job Completion") attributes. I know, in IPP proper, we don't 
have the notion of job "history" (the job "disappears" as soon as it has 
completed) so "actuals" would not be very useful. But in the semantic 
model and PSI we're trying to overcome this. To the extent that we are 
reluctant to embrace a full fledged job ticket, the addition of "-actual" 
attributes should go a long way toward providing much of the essential JT 
functionality that was previously missing for non-produciton environments.

For example:

| Job Template      |Job Description:Actual|
|   Attribute       |   Value Attribute    |
| copies            | copies-actual        |
| (integer (1:MAX)) | (integer (1:MAX))    |
| finishings        | finishings-actual    |
|(1setOf type2 enum)|(1setOf type2 enum)   |
| sides             | sides-actual         |
| (type2 keyword)   | (type2 keyword)      |
| number-up         | number-up-actual     |
| (integer (1:MAX)) | (integer (1:MAX))    |
| orientation-      |orientation-requested-|
|  requested        |  actual              |
|   (type2 enum)    |  (type2 enum)        |
| media             | media-actual         |
| (type3 keyword |  | (type3 keyword |     |
|    name)          |    name)             |
| printer-resolution| printer-resolution-  |
| (resolution)      |  actual             |
|                   | (resolution)         |
| print-quality     | print-quality-actual |
| (type2 enum)      | (type2 enum)         |

Harry Lewis 
IBM Printing Systems 
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