PWG> Character Repertoires

ElliottBradshaw at ElliottBradshaw at
Wed Oct 30 16:22:17 EST 2002

Folks, here is an update on the Character Repertoires discussion.

After my ping, I got eight responses from various people expressing some
level of interest in the project.  The input also included some thoughts on
the challenges, and pointers to prior related work.

There were several suggestions about tackling this topic within an existing
group.  However, there doesn't seem to be a clear match for this;  and the
interest came from people that are not clumped into any particular group.

So after discussing it with Harry I recommend creating a new PWG working
group called Character-Repertoires.  I have posted a draft charter for this
group at

I have a personal commitment next week and won't be in New Orleans.  If
possible I would like it if y'all could discuss this at the plenary.  If
you decide to proceed with this as a candidate new group, I am willing to
act as chairman.  Next steps would include setting up a reflector, getting
the charter ready for formal vote, and starting the technical work.

Elliott Bradshaw
Director, Software Engineering
Oak Technology Imaging Group
781 638-7534

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