PWG> Re: PWG-ANNOUNCE> Character repertoires in printers

don at don at
Fri Oct 25 09:41:40 EDT 2002


Would you envision this to include a set of mandatory fonts or font
families or just a list of mandatory charactor sets (groups of glyphs)?

 Don Wright                 don at

 Member, IEEE SA Standards Board
         PatCom Chair, SCC Liaison
 Member, IEEE-ISTO Board of Directors
 f.wright at / f.wright at

 Director, Alliances & Standards
 Lexmark International
 740 New Circle Rd
 Lexington, Ky 40550
 859-825-4808 (phone) 603-963-8352 (fax)

ElliottBradshaw at on 10/21/2002 01:00:51 PM

Sent by:    owner-pwg-announce at

To:    pwg-announce at
Subject:    PWG-ANNOUNCE> Character repertoires in printers


As we discussed in Santa Fe, I am interested in the possibility of defining
standard printer character repertoires for interoperability.

For discussion, a draft charter of a hypothetical working group follows:

In traditional printing environments, clients rely on font downloads when
they are not sure a given character is embedded in the printer.  As
printing moves to small clients, downloading may not be an option and
clients have a need to know what characters are available in a given

The purpose of this group is to:
1.  Survey existing methods for indicating available characters, such as
those used in the Bluetooth BPP
2.  Define needs for printing character repertoires, considering such
factors as country locations and wingding-type symbols
3.  Using Unicode, select or define a list of useful repertoires for
4.  Recommend a basic repertoire for inclusion in any printer that supports
embedded Unicode-accessable characters
5.  Propose an extension to the PWG Semantic Model for obtaining the
character repertoires available in a printer
6.  Work with UPnP and other groups to add repertoire support as needed

Before proceeding, I would like any and all feedback on these questions:

1.  Is this a problem worth solving?  (vs. vendor-specific solutions)
2.  Should it be treated as part of XHTML-Print, UPnP, or some other group?
(as opposed to a separate working group)
3.  Who is interested in participarting, as author or reviewer?

If there is sufficient interest I will prepare a more complete proposal.


Elliott Bradshaw
Director, Software Engineering
Oak Technology Imaging Group
781 638-7534

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