PWG> Re: RESEND: IPP> Alta-Vista Forum: improved e-meeting approach for

JK Martin jkm at
Thu Dec 19 02:19:56 EST 1996


Well, I went to check out the URL you mentioned, and it doesn't
exist.  At least there is no DNS record for this domain:

I went over to and tried to locate the software
using variations of "electronic business tower"...but got nothing
but trash back.  (Sheesh, I *really* don't like using Alta Vista!)

Perhaps you have another URL I can try?

By the way, you wrote:

> >I've recently learned of a tool that Digital offers, called Alta Vista Forum.
> >It provides a distributed structured electronic meeting capability.
> >Its a web-based tool that allows threaded conversations to take place
> >on any number of topics.  Any participant can add a new topic, such as
> >an issue or a question or an action item.  Any participant can reply to
> >the topic and a running thread is kept for each topic.  I used such a
> >tool at Digital for 15 years called Notes (Lotus turned it into a product).

I, too, have used "VAXnotes" for many years and have really come to love
that product.  It is *so* much better than usenet news, etc.  It's a
shame Digital never made (and marketed!) an improved GUI version of
the original text product.

However, you should note (no pun intended ;-) that there is absolutely
no relationship between Digital's "VAXnotes" and Lotus' "Notes"
Lotus developed that product on its own, and it has nothing whatsoever
to do with the fine Digital product.  Just thought you might want to

Let me know if you find any other pointers to the Alta Vista Forum
and I'll try to look at it as soon as possible.  Thanks!


--  JK Martin               |  Email:   jkm at          --
--  Underscore, Inc.        |  Voice:   (603) 889-7000              --
--  41C Sagamore Park Road  |  Fax:     (603) 889-2699              --
--  Hudson, NH 03015-4915   |  Web:   --

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