PWG> Missing MIB changes

Bob Pentecost bpenteco at
Tue Dec 10 19:25:35 EST 1996

The change of InputManualFeedTimeout to InputMediaLoadTimeout that has been 
discussed at the last two meetings failed to get into the Internet Draft of 
the Printer MIB. How and when will this get done?

The relevant minutes and messages are posted below.

Bob Pentecost

Printer Working Group
			       Meeting Minutes

			      November 7-8, 1996

			    New Orleans, Louisiana


Printer MIB/MIF Project (PMP)


  A brief discussion was conducted on the changes to the Input Switching
  Group, as documented in mailing list postings by Bob Pentecost.  It was
  agreed that Bob's comments were accurate, and that the MIB draft should
  be updated to include his changes.


The pertinent part of the mail messages follow:

At 10:26 11/04/96 PST, Bob Pentecost wrote:
>Thanks to Randy for getting the Printer MIB updated.
>I looked for a change that I expected and found that it had not been made. 
>When I checked the October meeting minutes, I couldn't find a record of 
>discussion I had in my own notes. From my notes I have:
>Input Switching Group
>This is a new group of objects that was added to provide timeouts for
>manual feed operations. The group will be generalized to provide timeouts
>for all media load requests. InputManualFeedTimeout will become
>InputMediaLoadTimeout. Tom H. will post the changes.

My notes also show the we changed the name of the prtInputManualFeedTimeout
object to prtInputMediaLoadTimeout, but the name of the group remains
Input Switching Group.

I think we can also delete the phrase: which translates to 'this input
subunit doesn't support manual feed'" in the sentences:

The event which causes the printer to enter the waiting state is product
specific.  A value of (-1) implies 'other' or 'infinite" which translates 
'this input subunit doesn't support manual feed'.  A value of (-2)
implies 'unknown'.

I was unable to open either the August or the current draft, since I 
that it is WORD version 7.0 and I am running windows 6.0 on 3.11 windows.
I'm sorry that I was unable to submit the actual changes as agreed
in NYC.  I hope that the above helps.

If you could use SAVE AS and save the .doc as word version 6.0 then I could
make the changes (in this section only) and re-post this section 
Or you can make the edits.


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