Printer MIB draft: prtGeneralAdminName and

Tom Hastings hastings at
Thu Nov 14 13:34:54 EST 1996

I see that the PrtGeneralEntry has the two new objects added, but
there is no DESCRIPTION clause and no conformance.  Will they be
a new group?  (I forget).


PrtGeneralEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    -- Note that not all of the objects in this sequence are in the
    -- general printer group.
    prtGeneralConfigChanges         Counter32,
    prtGeneralCurrentLocalization   Integer32,
    prtGeneralReset                 PrtGeneralResetTC,
    prtGeneralCurrentOperator       OCTET STRING,
    prtGeneralServicePerson         OCTET STRING,
    prtInputDefaultIndex            Integer32,
    prtOutputDefaultIndex           Integer32,
    prtMarkerDefaultIndex           Integer32,
    prtMediaPathDefaultIndex        Integer32,
    prtConsoleLocalization          Integer32,
    prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayLines  Integer32,
    prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayChars  Integer32,
    prtConsoleDisable               INTEGER,
    prtGeneralStartupPage		   PresentOnOff,
    prtGeneralBannerPage		   PresentOnOff,
    prtGeneralAdminName		   OCTET STRING,
    prtGeneralSerialNumber		   OCTET STRING

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