A Final Request to Change the PWG Meetings for August/Sept

Don Wright don at lexmark.com
Mon Aug 5 20:55:57 EDT 1996

Without a clear majority, I see no reason to make any changes in the meeting
schedule.  While we are not an officially recognized IETF working group at
this time we are need to behave as much as possible as one where it makes
sense.  Last minute changes to meeting schedule, etc. are not considered
kosher.  While I can symphasize with Mr. Martin's previous attempt to get
the schedule changed, it didn't happen and we can't dwell on that issue.

Now is the time to review the schedule for next year so we don't have this 
again.  Are there conflicts with major shows, holidays, etc?  Are any of the 
just plain unacceptable?  Did we hit the inane east coast winter vacation date? 
Are there other conflicts?


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