[PWG-Announce] Fwd: PWG / OpenPrinting Collaboration Opportunities - notes

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 23:56:48 UTC 2017


With my apologies for failing to forward in May (egg on face)...

Smith's excellent summary of our PWG/OP Collaboration Opportunities
topic at the PWG/OP Summit Virtual F2F in May 2017.

- Ira

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kennedy, Smith (Wireless Architect) <smith.kennedy at hp.com>
Date: Thu, May 4, 2017 at 2:27 PM
Subject: PWG / OpenPrinting Collaboration Opportunities - notes
To: Ira McDonald <blueroofmusic at gmail.com>

Hi Ira,

Here's what I recorded:

   - Collaboration Opportunities brainstorming
   - Driverless scanning using IPP Scan - implement an IPP Scan Client that
      can be integrated into systems that now interface with scanners today
      (image editors, GIMP, LibreOffice, etc.) but requires
pre-configuration of
      scanner attributes via a driver
      - extend "ippsample" tools (ipptool) to support these other service
      types (is there work to be done?)
      - IPP Scan
         - IPP Fax Out
         - IPP Transform
         - IPP System
         - Extend IPP Everywhere certification suite to test other IPP
      service types
         - IPP Scan
         - IPP Fax Out
         - IPP Transform
         - IPP System
         - System to implement testing the quality or correctness of a
      Client implementation
         - extension to ippserver?
         - external system (tshark? ippserver log analysis?) that inspects
         the network traffic received by ippserver and "comments" on
that traffic's
         - ippserver extension to cover all MFD services (Fax Out, Scan,
         - This might help facilitate testing the quality / correctness of
         client implementations targeting the various IPP service types
      - Driverless 3D printing via IPP 3D Printing Extensions - implement
      an IPP 3D Print Client that can be integrated into systems that now
      interface with 3D printers today (CAD programs, slicers) but requires
      pre-configuration of 3D printer attributes via a driver
   - Near term (next 6 months) objectives
   - IPP Scan Client objectives
      - Tools etc. that facilitates IPP Client testing
      - Extending ippserver and ippclient to support IPP Scan

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