[Pwg-Announce] PWG IPP/2.0 Formal Vote (8-31 July 2009)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 13:02:52 UTC 2009


REMINDER - please cast your vote!

- Ira (IPP co-editor)

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Chair - Linux Foundation Open Printing WG
Blue Roof Music/High North Inc
email: blueroofmusic at gmail.com
  579 Park Place  Saline, MI  48176
  PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI 49839

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Harry Lewis<harry.lewis at infoprint.com> wrote:
> Greetings:
> This email initiates the Formal Approval vote by the PWG membership on
> the PWG Internet Printing Protocol Version 2.0, which is located at:
>     ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/ippv2-wd/wd-ipp20-20090630.pdf
> The complete list of PWG Last Call issues and resolutions is located at:
>     ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/ippv2-wd/
>         ipp20-last-call-comment-resolution-20090602.txt
> The voting period will open on Wednesday 8 July 2009 and will close at
> 10pm (US Pacific Time) on Friday 31 July 2009.
> Valid votes are:  Yes, No, No (with Strong Objection), Abstain.
> Representatives from PWG member companies are strongly encouraged to
> exercise their right to vote.
> To vote, send an email with the following subject line format:
> IPP/2.0 Formal Vote-<company name>-<voter's last name>-<Yes/No/Abstain>
> Example:  IPP/2.0 Formal Vote-Acme-McGee-Yes
> Any "No" vote MUST state the reason for the "No" vote and MUST contain
> a description of the changes required to turn the "No" vote into a
> "Yes" vote.
> Please send your vote to all of the following email addresses (replacing
> "dot" with '.' and "at" with '@'):
> thrasher"at"lexmark"dot"com
> ptykodi"at"tykodi"dot"com
> harry"dot"lewis"at"infoprint"dot"com
> Note:
> (1) This Formal Vote is being conducted under the rules of the PWG
> Process/3.0 and the new PWG Policy on Intellectual Property and
> Confidentiality agreement.  The 2009 PWG Membership Agreement calls out
> both of these documents and the links are provided below.
> (2) To be eligible to vote the member MUST have submitted a signed copy
> of the 2009 PWG Membership Agreement.
> The PWG Definition of the Standards Development Process Version 3.0 is
> located at:
>     http://www.pwg.org/chair/membership_docs/pwg-process30.pdf
> The PWG Policy on Intellectual Property and Confidentiality is located
> at:
>     http://www.pwg.org/chair/membership_docs/pwg-ip-policy.pdf
> Regards
> Harry Lewis (PWG Secretary)
> Harry Lewis
> Program Manager - Intellectual Property & Open Standards
> Phone: 720-663-3456
> e-mail: harry.lewis at infoprint.com
> infoprint.com
> P Think before you print
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