PWG-ANNOUNCE> Items of general interest - WBMM F2F agenda

Wagner,William WWagner at
Fri Feb 20 11:02:44 EST 2004

The WBMM working group, in pursuing its charter, has encountered management aspects that should be of interest in areas well beyond the specifics of remote management over the web. Indeed, to adequately address the general question of "fleet" management, the group has had to 
	A: revisit resource and notification areas originally addressed in pending IPP documents,
	B: define an extensive set of  "use counter" variables to be added to the MIB
	C: start to address the management of Multifunction units, since most of the enterprise imaging units applicable to fleet management are of this type.

This is in addition to the  XML representation of the management objects presently in the MIB, a representation that is being applied to areas other than fleet management as well.

Considering the general nature of these subjects, the WBMM face-to-face agenda is structured to generally present and discuss these areas in the morning. In the afternoon session, we will go into more of the details of these areas and address specific web management aspects. 

Because of the  impact these issues are anticipated to have on imaging devices, services and clients, we urge PWG members to participate in the consideration of these general items, particularly in morning session even if they have no interest in fleet management. Everyone is. of course,  invited to stay for the afternoon session as well.

**  Wednesday 25 February - 8:30-12:30 pm PST /11:30-3:30 pm EST   and 2:00 - 5:30 PST/5:00 - 8:30 EST

    Dial In:  1-866-365-4406
    Toll #:   1-303-248-9655
    Passcode: 2635888#

 	8:30 - 9:00  Introduction, 
	Attendance, Review of the Minutes,
			 Progress, Review of Agenda
	9:00 -10:00   Counter Objects Discussion 
	10:00-10:15	 Break
	10:15-11:00 Resources and Notification Overview - 
	11:00-12:30  Approach to the MIBs - Discussion

	12:30- 2:00	 Lunch  etc
	2:00 - 2:30	 XML coding of MIBS -
		Printer, Finisher, IANA elements schema
	2:30 - 3:30	 New Schemae -
		Schedule, Resource, Printer Views
	3:30 - 3:45  Break
	3:45 - 5:00  Review of Specification - Use Models,  operation returns, error responses

	5:00 - 5:30  Next Steps

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