PWG-ANNOUNCE> vote on UPDF Charter

Stuart Rowley Stuart.Rowley at
Thu Nov 5 12:49:41 EST 1998


Although there is good descriptive text in the Abstract, in my opinion, the 
bulleted goals are too nebulous. Hopefully, the the UPDF work will result 
in reduced development time, simplified installation, etc. but I believe 
the listed goals should be more definite, describing what will actually be 
created by the effort, such as:

Goals of UPDF: 
* To define a universal printer description file format that enables a 
printer driver to configure itself based on the unique printer 
* To design or specify a description format that can be used by multiple 
operating systems.
* To enable dynamic configuration of printers via bi-directional communication 
of configuration information.
* To support the largest possible number of existing printers.
* To provide extremely flexible mechanisms for extensibility to enable support 
for as yet unimagined printers and features.

Since this effort used to be called Universal Printer Driver, perhaps it would 
also be useful to include some more descriptive text in addition to the 
currently terse "Also out of scope is the definition of the Universal Printer 
Driver", stating how this effort may relate to a Universal Printer Driver.

Just my two cents. 



Stuart Rowley                       Kyocera Technology Development, Inc. 
Network Product Dev. Mgr.           3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd. #330 
Printer Division                    Lafayette, CA 94549 
stuart.rowley at           925 299-7206    Fax: 925 299-2489 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: PWG-ANNOUNCE> vote on UPDF Charter
Author:  Sandra Matts <sandram at> at ~internet
Date:    11/3/98 2:42 PM

Hi All,
I've copied the Charter to the UPD ftp archive. Please
read it and let me know if it conveys our goal of UPDF or not.
If it you don't agree - let me know by Thursday or Friday at the latest.

If no one replies - I'm assuming the PWG Wed meeting participates will vote 
affirmatively for the Charter.

Sandra Matts

Sandra Matts
Engineer / Scientist
11311 Chinden Blvd.
Boise, ID 83714
sandram at
(208) 396-4755

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