PWG-ANNOUNCE> JMP mediumTypeConsumed and mediumSizeConsumed registrations

Tom Hastings hastings at
Wed Apr 29 21:45:38 EDT 1998

<bigger>We have approved registration 001 mediumTypeConsumed and

attributes for use with the PWG Job Monitoring MIB.  

The Last Call period received no comments.  Consequently, I updated the

of the registrations and moved the files to the approved sub-directory:

These two new attributes now have the same status as attributes in the

approved PWG Job Monitoring MIB which is in:

Here is the text copy of the approved registration:

Subj:  JMP proposal to register mediumTypeConsumed and

From:  Tom Hastings

Date:  4/29/98

File:  001-medium-xxx-consumed.doc

Status:  APPROVED, Wednesday, April 29, 1998:  No comments were 

during the Last Call.  This proposal was reviewed at the PWG meeting, 

Friday, April 10, 1998.  It was agreed to send it out for a two-week WG

Last Call.  Any comments are due by Monday, April 27, 1998.

Problem:  The Job Monitoring MIB V1.0 does not have a way for an

accounting program to charge for media type or media size consumed.  

current mediumConsumed in the name of the medium, which may or may not

be known to the accounting program.

Suggested Solution:  This proposal to register two new accounting

attributes to be used with the approved PWG Job Monitoring MIB 

These new attributes count media by medium type name and medium size

name.  The current PWG Job Monitoring MIB specifications for

"mediumRequested" (medium type enum, medium name and medium size name)

and mediumConsumed" (medium name) are:

        mediumRequested(170),             JmMediumTypeTC


                                          JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

            INTEGER:  MULTI-ROW:  The type


            OCTETS:  MULTI-ROW:  the name of the medium that is 

            by the job.

            NOTE - The name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to the

            prtInputMediaName object in the Printer MIB [print-mib] and

            the values of the IPP 'media' attribute.

        mediumConsumed(171),              Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


                                          JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

            INTEGER:  MULTI-ROW:  The number of sheets


            OCTETS:  MULTI-ROW:  the name of the medium that has been

            consumed so far whether those sheets have been processed on

            one side or on both.

            This attribute SHALL have both Integer32 and OCTET STRING

            (represented as  JmJobStringTC) values.

            NOTE - The name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to the

            name values of the prtInputMediaName object in the Printer

            MIB [print-mib].



Suggested text for the registration of the mediumTypeConsumed and

mediumSizeConsumed attributes:

        mediumTypeConsumed(174),          Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


                                          JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

            INTEGER:  MULTI-ROW:  The number of sheets of the indicated

            medium type that has been consumed so far whether those

            sheets have been processed on one side or on both


            OCTETS:  MULTI-ROW:  the name of that medium type.

            This attribute SHALL have both Integer32 and OCTET STRING

            (represented as JmJobStringTC) values.

            NOTE - The type name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to

            the type name values of the prtInputMediaType object in the

            Printer MIB [print-mib].  Values are: 'stationery',

            'transparency', 'envelope', etc. These medium type names

            correspond to the enum values of JmMediumTypeTC used in the

            mediumRequested attribute.

        mediumSizeConsumed(175),          Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


                                          JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

            INTEGER:  MULTI-ROW:  The number of sheets of the indicated

            medium size that has been consumed so far whether those

            sheets have been processed on one side or on both


            OCTETS:  MULTI-ROW:  the name of that medium size.

            This attribute SHALL have both Integer32 and OCTET STRING

            (represented as JmJobStringTC) values.

            NOTE - The size name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to

            the size name values in the Printer MIB [print-mib] 

            B.  Values are:  'letter', 'a', 'iso-a4', 'jis-b4', etc.



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