[MFD] Still more comments from Xerox on MFD Model and Common Semantics Specification

Zehler, Peter Peter.Zehler at xerox.com
Thu Mar 3 16:45:04 UTC 2011

Here are more comments resulting from the cross referencing of all the
tables with the element definitions


1)      Move multipleOperationTimeoutAction from FaxOut to Overall
(Service Description) Note: this was missing from the latest FaxOut

MultipleOperationTimeoutAction This Service Description element's value
indicates what action the service should take when a job Times out. The
data type of this element is a keyword.  This element can be extended by
adding new keywords.  The defined keywords are:

'Abort' - the job is closed and aborted, 

'Hold' - The job is closed and put on indefinite hold, 

'Process' - the job is closed and queued for processing.    


2)      Move JobOriginatingUri from FaxOut to Overall (Job Status) Note:
this was missing from the latest FaxOut specification

JobOriginatingUri This Job Status element's value indicates the URL used
in processing the job.  For example this element would be populated with
the source phone number for a FaxOut job.  The data type of this element
is a URI.  


3)      Move HeaderPrint from FaxOut to Overall (Document Processing)
Note: this was missing from the latest FaxOut specification

HeaderPrint This Document Processing element's value indicates how a fax
header is added to the outbound transmission by the service. The data
type of this element is a keyword.  This element can be extended by
adding new keywords.  Note that this element has no effect on headers
added by hardware (e.g., Fax Modem).  The defined keywords are:

'Inside' - the header is placed within the image being sent, 

'Outside' - the header is placed outside of the image being sent,

'NoPrint' - No header is placed on the image being sent by the service


4)      Fix Overrides representation.  

a.        Remove it from document processing (ticket, capabilities,
default).  It is a Job Processing element. 

b.      Overrides is multivalued (i.e. 1 set of collection)  Overrides
now contains Override (multiple occurances) which contains the Override
member elements.

c.       Add missing OverridingElements that can contain any processing

d.      The Overrides supported (i.e. JobTicketCapabilities is not type
Boolean.  It is a list of keywords indicating the names of the elements
supported in Overrides and the allowed elements for OverridingElements. 

e.      Change the text below figure 88 "Overrides is a simple Boolean"
to "Overrides is a list of keywords" and delete the line "Note that,
although the defining values are singular, multiple Override locations
may be defined"

f.        affects tables 44, 60 and 64 and figure 89

5)      Remove MediaMaterial from MediaCol.  Remove MediaWKV.

a.       Remove it from Job and Document Ticket and associated default

b.      Affects tables 45, 62 and figues 67, 90

6)      Correct name and type of JobDescription element JobMoreInfo

a.       Name changes from JobInformation to JobMoreInfo

b.      Syntax changes from string to anyURI

c.       Affects table 47, 63 and figure 69, 91

7)      Fix syntax of ImagingServiceDescription.ServiceGeoLocation

a.       Update representation to IETF standard

b.      Affects table 52

8)      Fix syntax of JobticketCababilities.JobDescription.JobPassword

a.       Syntax changes from Boolean to int

b.      Affects table 47 and figure 69

9)      Fixed syntax of service.Description.DocumentFormatDetailsDefault

a.       It should be a list of keywords and not a complex type

b.      affects figure 80 and  table 53

10)   Fix PrintDocumentTicket.PrintDocumentProcessing element

a.       Correct  name.  change PdlInitFileEntry to PdlInitFile
(PdlInitFileEntry is a member element)

b.      Add missing member elements

c.       It is multivalued (i.e., 1SetOfCollection) so add container

d.      Add missing extension point

e.      Add to capabilities

XML mapping differs from IPP. IPP promotes all members to top level
attributes and PdlInitFile is the list of supported member keywords

The XML mapping keeps all member elements  and their presence or absence
indicate support

PdlInitFileNameSubdirectory is encoded as an attribute of
PdlInitFileName since it is specific to that element and does not appear
in the ticket

f.        affects table 44, figure 66, table 60 and maybe a new figure
will be added



Schema fixes

Removed ConfirmationSheetPrint from FaxOutService.ServiceDescription.
(No effect on specification)






Peter Zehler

Xerox Research Center Webster
Email: Peter.Zehler at Xerox.com <mailto:Peter.Zehler at Xerox.com> 
Voice: (585) 265-8755
FAX: (585) 265-7441
US Mail: Peter Zehler
Xerox Corp.
800 Phillips Rd.
M/S 128-25E
Webster NY, 14580-9701 


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