[IPP] [PWG5100.18] Issue #127: Resolve potential conflicts between INFRA and EPX that involve "job-state"

smith.kennedy at hp.com smith.kennedy at hp.com
Mon Nov 6 20:53:45 UTC 2023

[Issue Unconfirmed]

INFRA page 31 Note 1 says "Jobs in the 'pending-held' state cannot be
fetchable or fetched, and so are not assigned to an Output Device." Aside
from the fact that it is inappropriate for normative statements to be
articulated in notes, this requirement is in conflict with several of the
features defined in IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0.

IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0 defines several features that
involve very specific management of a Job's state. For example, Job Release
defines a Release Job as being one that remains in 'pending-held' state
until a particular condition is met.

The Infrastructure Printer needs guidance on how to handle these types of
issues. For instance, it could be stated in INFRA that the Infrastructure
Printer MUST NOT place the Job in 'pending-held' state, to resolve any
issues such as the example described above. A deeper examination of all the
possible scenarios where a Job may be placed in 'pending-held' should be
made to evaluate whether this solution will work.

Link: http://www.pwg.org/issues/127

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