[IPP] Moving "client-info-col" forward

Michael Sweet msweet at msweet.org
Wed Nov 11 14:46:10 UTC 2020


> On Nov 11, 2020, at 8:44 AM, Kennedy, Smith (Wireless & IPP Standards) <smith.kennedy at hp.com> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> 			• "client-key" (type2 keyword) - REQUIRED
>> I think we also need to explicitly allow non-registered reverse-DNS identifiers since that is what macOS/iOS bundle identifiers and Java class naming uses, with a note about that.  The goal should be to have a stable identifier that you don't have to do fuzzy matching on (like happens with User-Agent in the HTTP world).
> No objections, but if so would that require a shift in the syntax definition to be (type2 keyword | name(MAX))?

No, it can stay as a type2 keyword.  Much like we do for the media keywords, this client-key member attribute can have registered values and (registered or unregistered) vendor values that follow a defined syntax.

The goal here is to have unique identifiers for different software components on the Clients.  On macOS and iOS those identifiers are reverse-DNS things like "com.apple.pages" and "org.mozilla.firefox".  Java has a similar convention, while Windows seems to use a keyword-friendly format of the form "[Vendor or Application].[Component].[Version]":


I really don't think we can expect Clients to do any useful mapping of application IDs, nor can we expect application developers to register their software with the PWG.  Rather, I think having an up-to-date registry for operating system names (and maybe major IPP clients like CUPS) along with a liberal syntax for (unregistered) application identifiers ("local_foo.bar.bla" with no version information) will be about the best we can expect Clients to support.

Michael Sweet

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