[IPP] Canon IPP Feature Proposal next steps

Yardumian, Rick RYardumian at ciis.canon.com
Fri Apr 26 23:47:16 UTC 2019


Here are Canon's responses to the F2F discussion of Canon's IPP Feature proposals and suggestions for next steps.

1. Borderless Printing
- Canon agrees that they want this as simple as possible. Canon was thinking of something simple like small, medium or large with no aspect change. It may be possible that this could go into Smith's Print Quality Customization Extensions.
- At the meeting, Smith said he would look into what HP has requested so we would like to hear HP's suggestions.

2. Unidirectional Printing
- Canon agrees that this could go into Smith's Print Quality Customization Extensions.

3. Eliminate upper and lower margins
- Mike, did you have a specific proposal for this? In the meeting minutes you mentioned specifying a media with 0 height/length and letting the print just image the content area.
- Smith, what does HP do now or want to do in the future?

4. Banner Printing
- Per the F2F meeting notes, Mike suggested this is already supported by finishings-col/trimming/trimming-when and trimming-offset to adjust the border. Canon will study this suggestion and respond.

5. Composite
- Canon does not understand how IPP imposition-template would handle this. Usually, printing imposition is not overlaying page images but laying them out next to each other.
- Does anyone have suggestions for how to implement this?

6. Special print mode
- Canon is researching this.

Best regards,
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