[IPP] Issue of document-format-details Attribute

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Mon Apr 15 01:13:12 UTC 2019


> On Apr 11, 2019, at 11:01 AM, Kennedy, Smith (Wireless & Standards Architect) via ipp <ipp at pwg.org> wrote:
> ...
> If we DEPRECATE "document-format-details", ecosystems using that attribute can continue to use it for some time, and hopefully migrate to whatever new solution is developed. Those ecosystems may be able to manage the PII / personal data leakage issue and the data untrustworthiness issue as effectively a closed system, but it will be on them to manage that.

Two issues come to mind:

1. Vendors that feel that they need 'document-format-details" will continue to use it regardless of whether we obsolete it now.  We might even see new solutions based on the same broken attribute, just as we recently saw a new implementation of PWG 5100.4 ("Override Attributes for Documents and Pages", which was withdrawn by the PWG 16 years ago!)

2. Deprecating something we are going to replace sends a confusing message and gives us more work when we subsequently obsolete it.

> One other alternative could be to bind registries to those member attributes to resolve the "non-interoperability" issue, but we are still faced with the PII / personal data leakage issue and the data untrustworthiness issue. While this is an option, I don't think this is worth pursuing.

The issue is that we don't have registries for name values, and the current definition of document-source-os-name already says to use lowercase versions of the IANA OS names registry (https://www.iana.org/assignments/operating-system-names/operating-system-names.xhtml#operating-system-names-1) which still doesn't have a registration for Solaris (note the "issue" that was left in the original published specification...) nor does it have registrations for current versions of Windows (or even a generic version of Windows), Android, ChromeOS, etc.

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer

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