[IPP] Canon has reviewed the IPP Authentication Methods and has comments

Yardumian, Rick RYardumian at ciis.canon.com
Tue Feb 5 02:24:54 UTC 2019


Canon's comments

1.       The PWG Last Call announcement (February 1st) used the January 16th version of the document but there is also a January 17th version. Which version should be used? We're assuming January 17th.

2.       Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 are exactly the same except one is for user Lisa and the other is for user Harry.  One section is about Authentication Failure and the other is Authorization Failure.  This is a bit confusing since the paragraphs are exactly the same except for the use case user name and the section titles.

3.       Section 7.3 is a security recommendation description, where SHOULD is used for all list items except for item 3 which states "A Printer MUST support User-provisioned X.509.". Should this be SHOULD as well?

Best regards,

Rick Yardumian, Canon
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