[IPP] RFC: Recommended Attributes/Specs for IPP Everywhere?

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Mon Jan 14 17:04:17 UTC 2019


Continuing the discussion from the minutes of the November F2F:

- Q: Should we list recommended attributes?
  - job-password-repertoire-supported, jpeg-features-supported, some others
  - Would also make sense for IPP Privacy Attributes
  - A: Continue discussion on the mailing list, get closure on final list to add
  - Could also reference/recommend additional specs that could be used in addition to IPP Everywhere for specific functionality:
    - IPP Transaction-Based Printing - enterprise/managed printing
    - IPP Shared Infrastructure Extensions - cloud printing

Looking at the current set of specs and registrations, it seems like there is nothing to add for the Shared Infrastructure Extensions - a Cloud implementation would look the same as a local one to a Client.

Aside from the Transaction-Based Printing extensions attributes, we can include the IPP Privacy Attributes and job-presets-supported from IPP Job Presets.

We could also add the Get-User-Printer-Attributes operation from the IPP GUPA registration but I am not aware of any implementations (yet)...

Proposed Changes

Section 3.1 (Rationale)

- Add references to 5100.16 (TRANS) and PRESETS and PRIVACY registrations

Section 5.3 (IPP Printer Description Attributes)

- Add a separate table of RECOMMENDED Printer Description attributes:
  - job-privacy-attributes, job-privacy-scope, printer-privacy-policy-uri
  - job-account-type-default/-supported and job-authorization-uri-supported (for printers that support paid printing services)
  - job-password-repertoire-supported (for printers that support the print-to-recipient use case)
  - job-presets-supported
  - jpeg-features-supported, jpeg-k-octets-supported, jpeg-x-dimension-supported, jpeg-y-dimension-supported (for printers that support JPEG printing)
  - pdf-k-octets-supported, pdf-versions-supported (for printers that support PDF printing)
  - print-scaling-default/-supported
  - printer-dns-sd-name (for printers that support DNS-SD)

Section 5.5 (IPP Operation Attributes)

- Add a separate table of RECOMMENDED operation attributes:
  - job-authorization-uri and job-impressions-estimated (for printers that support paid printing services)

Section 5.8 (IPP Job Template Attributes)

- Add a separate table of RECOMMENDED Job Template attributes:
  - job-account-type (for printers that support paid printing services)
  - print-scaling

Section 15.1 (Normative References)

- Add references to 5100.16 (TRANS) and PRESETS and PRIVACY registrations

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer

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