[IPP] Preparing to post JPS2v2 First Draft, but want to poke at current JPS2 one more time

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Thu Aug 23 12:59:15 UTC 2018


> On Aug 22, 2018, at 11:24 AM, Kennedy, Smith (Wireless & Standards Architect) <smith.kennedy at hp.com> wrote:
> Hi Ira,
> My perception of a "proof print job feature" is that the user selects the choices for the final run, chooses "proof print", and then the Printer will print one copy, review it, and then print the rest if you approve of the output. Why is achieving this using one Job bad for the audit trail? Doesn't pushing the final run to a second Job cause audit trail problems of their own?

Well, the job state would go from 'completed' (where Clients assume that the receipt values are stable) to 'pending'.  Also, "proof-print" is a collection attribute that specifies additional attributes for the Job Ticket as a proofing job that override the corresponding Job Template attributes.  Finally, there is no definition of a "approve via console" use case or semantics in JPS2, so right now the only way to approve the proof job is to send a Resubmit-Job operation.

> (BTW, if a Job is copied using Resubmit-Job, does the newly created Job have a Job Status attribute pointing back to the Job ID of the Job from which it was created?)

No, but it is probably a good idea to add one.

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer

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