[IPP] Meeting Minutes - JDFMAP: Monday 8 September 2014

Manchala, Daniel Daniel.Manchala at xerox.com
Mon Sep 8 15:45:10 UTC 2014

Ira McDonald (High North)
Rainer Prosi (Heidelberg / JDF)
Daniel Manchala (Xerox)

Today's Meeting (Sep 8, 2014):
7:30 - 8:00 AM PDT / 10:30 - 11:00 AM EDT / 16:30 - 17:00 CEST

JDFMAP - we stopped at the PWG PJT Element "PdlInitFiles"; we will resume next week's discussions at the PJT Element "PresentationDirectionNumberUp" (that corresponds to the JDF Object "LayoutPreparationParams/@PresentationDirection"). 

Much of today's discussion was focused on PJT Element "PageRanges" (that corresponds to JDF Object "RunList/@Pages"). Note that this has the same mapping as the PJT Element "Overrides Override Pages" (that probably corresponds to "RunList/Part/@DocRunIndex").

There will be 
- JDFMAP special call on Monday 15 September
- JDFMAP special call on Monday 22 September


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