[IPP] Posted LDAP Printer Schema (3 March 2013)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 20:17:27 UTC 2014


Based on IETF Apps Area review by Alexey Melnikov.

I've just posted a new draft of LDAP Schema for Printer Services to:

 - plaintext Internet-Draft format (warning - contains explicit formfeed

 - line numbered PDF of plaintext - use this version for review, please

This document *will be* submitted to the IETF I-D repository tomorrow,
when the I-D submission blackout for IETF 89 ends.  Minor typos from
the I-D Nits tool may be corrected tomorrow morning (in the PWG FTP
repository versions as well).

This document was created by revising the original LDAP Schema for
Printer Services [RFC3712].

- Ira


Change History

   3 March 2014 - draft-mcdonald-ldap-printer-schema-06.txt

   Seventh draft - for IEEE-ISTO PWG IPP WG
   Global - updated publication and expiration dates in copyright,
   header, footer, and boilerplate.
   Global - replaced 'SHOULD not' w/ 'SHOULD NOT' for RFC 2911
   compliance, per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - revised Abstract and section 1 Introduction to clarify
   that this document is an individual submission to the IETF by the IPP
   WG of the IEEE-ISTO PWG, per Tom Petch and IPP WG review.
   Editorial - revised Abstract and section 1 Introduction to clarify
   that this document obsoletes [RFC3712], per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - added section 1.1 'Relationship to SLP Printer Service'
   and section 1.2 'Source of LDAP Printer Attributes' for clarity.
   Editorial - added section 1.3 'Sources of LDAP Printer Schema OIDs'
   to describe permanent delegation of "" to the
   IEEE-ISTO PWG by IBM in October 2011, per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - added section 1.4 'Rationale for Design Choices' for
   Editorial - revised sections 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 to delete
   erroneous SHOULD references to structural classes, per Alexey
   Editorial - revised section 4 to clarify reference to section 4 of
   [RFC4517] and forward reference to section 6 of LDAP Printer Schema,
   per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - revised section 4 to add implementation note about
   compatibility with existing implementations of [RFC3712] and
   underlying string length limits in [RFC2707], [RFC2911], [RFC3805],
   [PWG5107.2], [PWG5100.13], and [PWG5100.14], per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - revised section 4.4 to change SHOULD to MUST for
   conformance to [BCP47] for natural language tags, per Alexey
   Editorial - revised section 4.4 printer-natural-language-configured
   and section 4.13 printer-generated-natural-language-supported
   definitions to clarify that they refer to LDAP Printer in syntax
   DirectoryString (UTF-8), per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - revised section 4.11 printer-charset-configured and
   section 4.12 printer-charset-supported definitions to clarify that
   they refer to IPP protocol values and that corresponding LDAP Printer
   attributes are always in syntax DirectoryString (UTF-8), per Alexey
   Editorial - revised section 4.20 printer-number-up-supported and
   section 4.35 printer-device-id definitions to add missing
   SINGLE-VALUE clause, per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - revised section 4.35 printer-device-id to delete
   confusing and redundant note about ordering of key/value pairs within
   LDAP attribute values (since this is clearly explained in
   [PWG5107.2]), per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - revised section 4 syntaxes of printer-uri,
   printer-xri-supported, printer-name,
   printer-natural-language-configured, printer-location, printer-info,
   printer-more-info, printer-make-and-model,
   printer-ipp-versions-supported, printer-charset-configured,
   printer-document-format-supported, printer-compression-supported,
   printer-finishings-supported, printer-sides-supported,
   printer-media-supported, printer-media-local-supported,
   printer-resolution-supported, printer-current-operator,
   printer-service-person, printer-delivery-orientation-supported,
   printer-stacking-order-supported, printer-output-features-supported,
   printer-aliases, printer-device-id, printer-uuid,
   printer-charge-info, printer-charge-info-uri, printer-geo-location,
   printer-ipp-features-supported, to remove length restrictions in
   syntax and add textual notes instead about IPP compatibility (where
   applicable), per Alexey Melnikov.
   Editorial - added appendix A 'Changes since RFC 3712', per Alexey
   Editorial - added missing informative reference to [RFC3712].
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