IPP> Change time/day of IPP WG meetings

Whittle, Craig cwhittle at sharplabs.com
Sun May 4 18:04:04 EDT 2008

I will work from me with a hard stop at 2 pm (PT).


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ipp at pwg.org [mailto:owner-ipp at pwg.org] On Behalf Of Michael
R Sweet
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 11:37 AM
To: Ira McDonald
Cc: Ted Tronson; ipp at pwg.org; Ron.Bergman at ricoh-usa.com; Harry Lewis
Subject: Re: IPP> Change time/day of IPP WG meetings

Good for me.

Ira McDonald wrote:
> Hi,
> Taking a line through Mike Sweet's and Ted Tronson's possible times,
> how about:
> Monday - 1pm Pacific /  2pm Mountain / 3pm Central / 4pm Eastern
> That's the only intersection of their times on Monday or Tuesday.

Michael R Sweet                        Senior Printing System Engineer

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