IPP> Document Object Spec Comments... [for Thur 5/15]

Mike Sweet mike at easysw.com
Thu May 1 21:25:34 EDT 2003

McDonald, Ira wrote:
> ...
> So, could you possibly explain a little more your various
> comments below by email?  And (if you can) join the SM
> telecon in two weeks?

I don't know if I'll be able to, but if I am free I will call in.

 > ...
> [I don't understand how you can map Create-Document
> to Validate-Job.  Could you explain, please?]
> ...

The spec mentions using Create-Document to validate the format and
attributes of a document prior to submission, which is exactly what
Validate-Job does.  While Validate-Job won't reserve a slot for a
document like Create-Document, I see that particular feature of the
Create-Document object as the biggest potential security hole in
the spec with very little benefit.  Realistically speaking, if a
document format and specific job template attributes are acceptable
at one time, then they will be acceptable all the time for that
printer object.

If the Create-Document semantics are absolutely required (I don't
see that, but if so the spec should include the justification/reason
for it), then I highly recommend that we either place a limit of 1
outstanding document per job or add a new status code ("server-
error-too-many-documents"?) so that the server can enforce limits to
avoid Denial-of-Service cases.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products                  mike at easysw.com
Printing Software for UNIX                       http://www.easysw.com

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